Chapter 3: The Last Arrivals

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A/n: Alright I've updated the bio and added the boat you will be using in this story.

Hope you all continue to enjoy the story! :D


After sending any ships you could to go and help the last of the stragglers that were on their way to base, you now had to experience one of the more difficult things of being a commander.

Waiting for someone to report in and update you on the situation. Which is why you were relieved when the phone rang again and you picked it up to hear the voice of QE again.

"You will be glad to know, that we have our enemies on the run! Our allies are safe but some have injuries. We are sailing as fast as we can to get to you." She said as you audibly let out a sigh of relief.

"That's good news." You replied.

"Though I worry about Eagle Union's Enterprise. Belfast intervened to save her from harm during the battle, but since then she has been unconscious." The Queen said as your eyes widened slightly before you sighed.

"I was afraid this would happen. She was always going to push herself because her sister was under attack." You said.

"I'll have a full evaluation of her done when she gets back. Also, I'll make sure have her ship fully repaired before she even thinks of going into battle again." You continued as you heard a chuckle from the other side of the phone.

"For one who is new to their post, you have taken it up rather well. But it shall be better to judge you properly in person. I will see you soon, servant." QE said before putting the phone down on you again, leaving you very confused.

"...servant?" You said as you heard Wales chuckle from behind you.

"You shall have to get used to that. After all, her majesty is royalty." She said as you exhaled and nodded your head in realisation.

"Right...I'll keep that in mind that's for sure." You said before clearing your throat.

"Anyway, I want to ensure that Enterprise does not do any more fighting for a little while. Not least until ALL repairs are complete. That doesn't matter if they are minuscule or not. I'm not having her put her life on the line like that." You said.

"It'll be very hard to convince her not to do any fighting. If there is another attack, Enterprise shall be the first one to jump into the battle without a doubt." Wales said.

You knew she was right about that. Before coming here, you of course had to do your research which took countless hours and days to complete as you had to make sure you knew everything about the shipgirls you would be working with.

Enterprise was a real battle-hardened veteran, so it was clear that she would be willing to go into battle no matter how little notice she had.

"She's a stubborn warrior which is what makes her so good at fighting. But she is much more than just a machine built for war. I look around and I see all of you living lives like other humans. Personally, I don't see a difference. Other than the fact that you're all much stronger and more capable than an average human. That's just what makes you all so...special." You said causing Wales to laugh and softly place a hand on her chest.

"How very flattering. You certainly know your way with words." Wales said as you smiled and bowed your head.

"I do my best. We should probably prepare for everyone else to return from the mission so we can have our debrief. The more information we get from them the better. We need to know the exact nature of the threat." You said while standing up and already heading for the door.

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