1-4: Geek Of The Ruins

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Finally together Dimentio and friends were able to brave through the desert and it's sweltering dunes. They ventured inside in hopes to find the Pure Heart and Old Man Watchitt. But also the deal with the guardian that lurks within. "We must make haste 'k!" Nassie said as they four of them delve deeper within the ancient structure.

Chapter 1-4:

Geek Of The Ruins

Once they entered within Yold Ruins they looked at the walls expecting it to be covered in something ancient writing or pictures but... They just saw it covered in by posters of some kind of video game charater or anime like. And on the ground there were some opened up boxes that were used for delivery.

"Um what?" Nassie said looking at the poster.

Piccolo and Boomer tilt their bodies to the side confused as well. "Is this is what is usually in ruins?" Piccolo asked confused.

"SSS-BAM! I don't think so!" Boomer insisted.

"Maybe this is what Merlumina was talking about. Did no expect this guardian to be very video game obsessed." Dimentio said looking at the posters.

The sounds metal is heard in the distance of the ruins. What came forward looked like small cat robots. Some of them looked a bit like small cat robot maids that if they were real cats they had grey fur. While the others with them were blue with red like bows. Once the Blue Cat Robots spot them their red bows turn into sirens and that's a loud noises as they charge at Dimentio and the others.

Dimentio grabbed Boomer and throwed him at the Cat Robots. Blowing them up and leaving broken remains. At the sounds of the sirens more of the Blue Cat Robots appeared who jumped onto Dimentio biting him. The other Pixls tried to pull them off of Dimentio the best they could but they had an suprisingly strong grip. Dimentio then snapped his fingers and the ones who were on them vanished.

One of the Gray Cat Robot Maids approached Dimentio. Dimentio after dealing with the other Blue Cat Robot noticed it but this one wasn't attacking him.

Then out of it's eyes it let out a light out of it as it went down and up Dimentio like it was scanning him.

"Scan complete." The Cat Robot Maid said.

"MEEOW! MEEOW!" The Cat Robot Maid let out a happy meow the best a robot could do anyway.

At the sound of the meows the Blue Cat Robots stop coming and head back deeper into the ruins.

"I apologise dear Legendary Hero for the rude welcome." The other Cat Robot Maids join the other one's side.

"Yes,yes sorry!"

"We had no idea it was you!"

"We thought it was another intruder here to steal our Master's valuables!"

"Um what valuables do you mean?" Nassie said looking at the Cat Robot Maids confused.

"Why all of the precious orders he asked us to pick up! Like video games,posters and comics!"

"He said it's totally hi-technicaaaal!" One of the Cat Robot Maids cheered.

"Ok..." Piccolo said confused by all of this.

"But what about the Pure Heart?! SSS-POOM! You recognize Dimentio here as the Legendary Hero!" Boomer said fluttering around.

"Oh! Why we do have the Pure Heart! It's just it wasn't written in our programming to care about it to much."

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