Chapter 3

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Kitsune had a grin on his face as he stood waiting for his team. Sasuke and Sakura appeared. Both keeping their distance from Kitsune. Sakura's hair was growing back though she had to have it properly cut after Kitsune hacked her hair off so it could grow back correctly. Sasuke looked like he still had his undies up over his head.

"Eh, looks like Pervy the One Eye is going to be late. I'd better get him" Kitsune said the dashed off.

In no time at all Kakashi was being dragged by Kitsune by the back of his collar.


"I got him here" Kitsune answered.

"She means how'd you do it loser" Sasuke grunted.

"Oh easy. I just snuck up behind him and kicked him in the balls. He dropped like a rock" Kitsune said.

Sasuke and Sakura just blinked. Both totally shocked.

"I'll never live this down. Snuck up on by a genin and taken down" Kakashi mumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. Now that we're all here it's time for me to announce we're going to be in the chunin exams. So best get ready to have your asses handed to you all" Kitsune said in a super excited manner.

"What are the chunin exams?" Sakura asked confused.

"Huh, so that big forehead is just for show. It actually has no real function at all" Kitsune said.

Sakura screeched as she went to lash out at Kitsune forgetting who she was dealing with. Her fist never connected. Instead she spun around like a top due to throwing all of her weight into the punch.

"You know you might be able to get more weight in your punches if you had anything on your chest" Kitsune commented.

"Shut up. Besides Sasuke likes girls with my kind of figure" Sakura said with red blotchy cheeks.

"Eh, okay, so what you're saying is Emo Duck likes boys" Kitsune said.

"Sasuke doesn't like boys!" Sakura shouted.

"But you just said he likes girls with your kind of figure and your figure is quite boy like. So Sasuke likes boys" Kitsune said.

Kakashi actually thought Kitsune's argument had merit.

"Now I am saying nothing is wrong with that. I mean everyone should have the right to love who ever they want to love no matter the body shape or their sex preference. Everyone deserves love. From the smallest babe to the biggest person love should always be given to those not matter what. It is love that keeps the world at peace and harmony. The mighty philosophers Paul, Ringo, John and George said, 'All you need is Love'" Kitsune said as he was once again up on his soapbox podium.

Kakashi blinked and wondered when Kitsune pulled that out. He never saw it coming. He then shrugged and went to read his Icha Icha. But as his eyes began to move across the page he fell back screaming. He threw the book away from himself.


"Huh, oh, I was wondering when you'd get my gift" Kitsune said now off his soapbox podium that had disappeared from sight.

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