Chapter 16

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They were getting close to Kumo.

"I wanna climb that mountain, ford that pissin' stream. Follow every rainbow tie til you find your dream" Kitsune sang.

"Why is that idiot singing?" Kiba asked.

Shino shrugged.

Kurenai sighed as she felt another headache coming on. They seemed to come more frequent as she spent more time with Kitsune. She seriously needs a lot of saké when she got to Kumo. Hana wasn't paying much attention to Kitsune as Tenten was mentally doing an inventory of her weapons and wondered if she should get more while they're in Kumo. The village is supposed to have some amazing blacksmiths. Temari, who was still getting used to her new lot in life was just ignoring everything around her. She only talked to Tenten really.

Hinata kept to herself as she stayed closed to Kurenai still scared they got closer to Kumo. Shino and Kiba sensed this and kept a close eye on their teammate as well eyed their surroundings acutely just in case someone did try to take Hinata.

/Scene Break/

"We're going to be a Light Music band" Hanabi announced.

"A what?" Konohamaru asked.

"Light music, like Houkago Tea Time" Hanabi said.

She got blank stares from all except Inari, who was nodding his head approvingly.

"We're suppose to know what that is?" Udon asked.

"Geez, am I dealing with plebes or what" Hanabi muttered, "don't ya know a thing? 'Tokimeki Sugar', 'Fuwa Fuwa Time', 'U&I', 'Gohan Wa Okazu', 'Tenshi Ni Furetayo'!"

"Oh, oh I know them. I've listened to all of their songs" Inari said.

"As expect Number One" Hanabi said in a very Picard way.

"Captain" Inari responded sounding just like Riker.

"Do you have any clue what they're saying?" Moegi asked in a whisper.

Konohamaru and Udon shook their heads.

/Scene Break/

"That was the most troublesome thing ever" Shikamaru grumbled.

Team 10 were finally released by the Kitsune clone though there had been no decision on the what the anthem would be. The Kitsune clone had to end things early thanks to Asuma's constant puffing that totally ruined the seats. The Kitsune clone wasn't very happy with that.

"Can we eat?" Chouji asked.

"I don't think I can feel my butt any more" Ino whined.

Shikamaru closed his eyes. He needed some serious cloud watching right now. And that was what he was going to do. He didn't give a damn if the Hokage commanded him to do something.

Team 8 weren't paying attention to where they were going, all occupied with their own thoughts when it hit them. A prank trap Kitsune had set up some time ago and had forgotten about. Chouji triggered the trap. A thunderous boom was heard as a mushroom cloud erupted. When the cloud disappeared team 8 was tangled up in slimy seaweed that made them each look like swamp creatures.

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