Chapter 7

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Kakashi was walking down the street with his nose buried in his book. Kitsune saw this and decided something needed to be done. Not about Kakashi's reading, but something else. It was boring just watching the jounin read. Kitsune grinned and performed hand signs.

"Strolling Music Jutsu" he said.

Soon music began to play as Kakashi walked and read.

(Erotica by Madonna)

Kakashi stopped and looked up and the music stopped. But he began to walk and read again, and the music began again. Everyone on the street looked at the one-eyed jounin and making more room for him than they had before.

Kitsune grinned, "much better."

/Scene Break/

Hiruzen sighed as he finally finished another mountain of paperwork.

That's it, I am hanging it up. I am too old for this shit. Now, to find the turke- I mean my replacement. Who could be so gullible to take this job. Hmm, oh I know who the old Hokage thought as a smile spread across his lips.

/Scene Break/

Jiraiya sighed. He had gotten a mission from his old sensei and Hokage. He was tasked to get the new Hokage. The reason why was because he knew the person and could possibly persuade her to come back. But there was a catch. He had to bring along help. That help would be in the form of Kitsune, Tenten and Hana. Unusual since it's two genin and a chunin. But that was his orders and he'd follow them.

"Hey brat" he said.

Kitsune looked up from his super jumbo-sized bowl of ramen. The bowl was the size of a king-sized wok really.

"Whaff, doo you aunt drwag weueen?" Kitsune asked with his mouthful.

Tenten looked up from her normal bowl of ramen and Hana did the same. The two girls decided to spend time with Kitsune. So Hana could get used to Kitsune more and the two girls get used to each other with Kitsune. Tsume was pleased with this and allowed it with great enthusiasm. Hana was sure she heard her mom happily cry about grandbabies to spoil when she left, but a part of her figured it was her imagination.

"What did he say?" Hana asked.

"He said, 'what do you want Drag Queen?' I believe" Tenten said.

Hana shook her head. She couldn't figure out how Tenten could understand that.

"You did that to me brat, I am not a Drag Queen!" Jiraiya accused.

"Not according to this" Kitsune said as he pulled out a Bingo Book from his rucksack.

Jiraiya read it and his eyes widen as he began to cry. A photo and a couple words now destroyed his hard-earned reputation. All of his information was there with some new stuff. He now had the title of 'Fabulous Drag Queen', there was a photo of him from his little photo session when he was dressed up. The photos were of course photo-shopped a bit to make Jiraiya more feminine without altering it too much to make Jiraiya actually look good as a woman.

Tenten and Hana looked at it and tried to smother their laughter. Ayame who was there saw and didn't hide her laughter.

"Kitsune, I can't believe you did that to one of the sannin" Tenten said.

"He's a pervert, wait, I forgot. A 'Super Pervert'. And he was peeping in on you and Dog Maiden" Kitsune said making sure to do the air quotes in the right spots.

"Oh, well then he had what was coming to him. Thank you for defending us Kitsune" Tenten said.

Hana nodded smiling.

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