Chapter 4. Scavengers.

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It's been a couple of days since we arrived at the Outpost. Things have gotten better overtime.

First off, Liter and Centi works quite fast. They built the apartments in no time. It's a good thing since the MPN can now live in their own homes. The only bad thing is, just like how Rapi said, they started to treat me like a saint. Better than a monster for sure but...

The plan worked if we look at the credits however. Nikkes have to pay rent, water, gas and electricity. Those things don't come for free. Also, they have the option to buy their own furniture for their homes. All the money we spent came back rather quickly.

Sadly, this won't work in a long-time basis. No many people leave or come to the Outpost and eventually the Nikkes will stop building furniture. We have to look for more ways of self-sustain.

First of all, I tasked Neon of working with the Outpost Defend Team. Every time she kills a rapture she blows it to pieces in search for Core Dust. A very important and rare material that originates from raptures. She likes her job and makes quite a bit of credits for us.

The other thing I was planning on is to go out in the surface and look for supplies there. There's a lot of things there we can sell. Books, films, videogames, clothes hell even toys or paintings. Specially paintings. So long it comes from the old world people will pay for it. We just have to look for the right buyer.

Now if we talk about my Nikkes well... things have changed for sure. Neon is the only one that stays the same. She likes firing her gun and Noise's music. As for Anis and Rapi...

Rapi is usually around me more often. Normally she spends her time working on her laptop or assisting me on my work. Anis has gotten progresively more cooperative than the first days, helping me whenever she can. It seems she's getting more competitive about her work to the point she usually compares herself to Rapi.

There's no real problem between the two but it is a change one can't help but notice.

Anyways, today I was reunited on my room with Rapi. I have to do the preparations for our first official mission on the surface. I wasn't going to risk it. Not only am I bringing Rapi, Neon and Anis but also various MPN's with me to load all the things we find but to also get more firepower.

Rapi was on her laptop looking at the new requests our Nikkes has written. She doesn't really need to ask me anything since many of them can be resolved directly by her. In the meantime I talked with Shifty who agreed on being our operator. Her face was on my computer's screen.

Y/N:"So that store is almost untouched?"

Shifty:"Well if you don't count nature claiming the store then yes, no one has ever went in. Not even the raptures."

Y/N:"What could we find there?"

Shifty:"Boxes. Many boxes. There's a lot of old world's building materials, wires... I'm sure Litter will appreciate not having to request anything from Andersen. Anything you don't want you can always sell it."

Y/N:"Mhm. Easy profit. Raptures in the area?"

Shifty:"Many but if you do go with your MPN's everything will be okay. A tip, don't open fire inside the store or you may burn the materials."

Y/N:"Don't worry Shifty, we'll be fine. Keep in touch, okay?"

Shifty:"Roger Commander. You should buy me a drink one day, y'know?"

Y/N:"Whenever you want. Talk to you later."

Shifty:"Good day Commander."

I ended the call and sigh. Now I remember I still haven't called my mother yet. I don't know how she will react to the news of me getting banished...

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