Chapter 15. Assassination failed.

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Today has been fairly calm. My Nikkes were around the Outpost doing various tasks. Sin, 2B and Neon were mounting guard with the outpost defenders. Rapi is on my room, taking care of paperwork. Anis is below watching T.V. Mihara and Yuni were sent to the surface on a deploy mission with some MPN'S. Nothing too fancy, someone or something has been trying to get inside the Outpost and I've sent them to see what was going on. Guilty was besides me, grabbing my hand while she casually chats with me. As for me, I'm watching the unofficial news that only Commanders has access to in the Elysion's website on my computer.

Guilty:"It seems you caused quite the commotion in the Ark, Counselor. Everyone's talking about your mission with the Pilgrims."

Y/N:*Sigh* "I don't wanted this attention. Now everyone's either gonna want me to work for them..."

Guilty:"...or take you out of the equation to get said jobs."


Rapi:"The likelyhood of such a thing is pretty low Commander, no need to be stressed about it. You're under protection of the Central Government. Like it or not, you are an essential asset considering the efficiency of our squad."

Y/N:"I know. We also became one of the squads with the highest quantity of Nikkes, not counting the Outpost and how it has improved. I'm aware they rather keep me alive than dead, but other Commanders may not see it that way."

Guilty:"Let them come. I've been wanting to get some action. Ah, the thought of getting some rogue Nikkes to attack us... just imagine, being at the comfort of your own home while still able to massacre our enemies."

Y/N:"It will be pretty annoying to clean that later."

Guilty:"True. That's what the MPN's are for."

Y/N:"They are not serveants, they-"

Suddenly, an alarm started to sound around the Outpost making everyone startled. Y/N looked out of his window to see the projection on the sky change.


Y/N:"What the- raptures?!"

Rapi:"Unlikely. We would hear gunshots."

Y/N:"Shit. Guilty, get your weapon. Rapi, go downstairs and reunite with Anis. Check the surrounding area."

Rapi:"Yes Commander. Y/N... I..."

Y/N:"Guilty will keep me safe. Go!"

Rapi nodded and went downstairs in a hurry to get ready to defend the Command Center. Guilty had her restrains removed and was wielding an enormous LMG. Her face had an serious expression. Maybe she was joking about how nice it would be to kill someone in the Outpost but now that is really happening, she's not happy about it.

Y/N:"I'm gonna in contact with Mihara and Yuni. Make sure whoever's here doesn't get a shot on me."

Guilty:"They won't."

I sat on my computer and tried to contact either Mihara or Yuni by calling them. After a while, Mihara answered. They seem to be okay and confused at all the noise being made at the Outpost.

Mihara:"Commander! Is everything okay? What's going on?"

Y/N:"Someone broke in. You guys saw nothing?"

Mihara:"Negative. Everything's clear up here. We are going down now to support you."

Y/N:"Very well. You're a hunter, track the intruder down."


I closed the call, calling Centi and Litter instead. They were on their workshop, weapons ready.

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