Chapter 17: Counterattack of Mankind

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(Y/n pov)

I opened my eyes to bright light, expecting to have gone to the afterlife after being eaten. To my surprise, that wasn't the case. I was staring at the inside of a crudely made tent. I tried to stand but couldn't. That was when I noticed I was tied to a wooden post to prevent movement.

Y/n: What the hell?

The tent flap opened and several people walked inside. I recognized some of them but not the others.

Y/n: Commander! What the hell is going on? What is this?

Erwin: Levi found you unconscious with a group of Cadets atop the tower of the fort. According to him, the Cadets were saying you emerged from the nape of a Titan body.

Y/n: That's crazy!

Levi: What's the last thing you remember?

Y/n: I saved Eren and Armin from a Titan before being eaten. I also lost my arm and...leg?

I looked down and saw that my once missing arm and leg were back with no signs of ever having been lost in the first place.

Erwin: I see you've noticed. You have no idea the amount of trouble this causes for us.

Y/n: I can't exactly do anything about it. I'm just as confused as you are.

???: That is understandable. Unfortunately, the higher-ups won't be as understanding as we are.

Y/n: Who are they?

Erwin: This is Commander Pyxis of the Garrison Regiment and his aids, Anka and Ian.

Y/n: I see.

Pyxis: It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Sergeant.

Y/n: Same here.

Levi: We're getting off track.

Erwin: Right. Y/n, as things stand, it doesn't look good for you. I am certain the council will push for your immediate execution as soon as they learn what has transpired here. However, there is a silver lining. We've come up with a plan to take back Trost and hopefully secure your survival. Two birds with one stone if you will.

Y/n: Looks like I don't have much of a choice. Let's hear it.

Erwin: There is a large boulder stationed near the gate for this kind of crisis. Unfortunately, we don't have the proper equipment necessary to lift it. The hope is that you can use your Titan ability to transform, carry the boulder, and seal the gate, thus preventing any more Titans from entering.

Y/n: You do realize I have no idea how to use this power, right?

Levi: You used it once, you can use it again.

Erwin: Doing this will hopefully earn you some favor with the council, granting you a slim chance at survival. This is your only option. Help and gain favor with the council or don't help and be put down.

Y/n: That's putting it kind of bluntly, don't you think?

Erwin: There's no other way to put it. The Armored Titan hasn't yet appeared and we have no way of knowing whether it will or not. The survival of humanity depends on you Y/n. We cannot let Wall Rose fall to the Titans.

He wasn't lying. The future of Wall Rose and by extension humanity was riding on my choice. 

Y/n: Fine, I'll do it. Not like I have much of a choice anyway.

Erwin: Excellent. We'll get you fitted with some fresh clothes and a new set of ODM gear right away. Levi, untie him please.

Levi walked over and undid the ropes, allowing me to stand. I massaged my wrists to get the blood rushing again before I stretched, feeling my spine pop in the process. I was quickly given new clothes and gear. Once I was ready I met Erwin and Levi outside the tent. As we walked through camp, everyone and I mean everyone, stopped what they were doing and stared. I saw some of the Cadets staring too, namely Mikasa, Eren, and Armin. We walked to the center of camp as Garrison members, Scouts, and Cadets all gathered around us. Commander Pyxis cleared his throat and spoke, presumably to relay the plan.

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