Chapter 2

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"Aiz Wallenstein..."

That doesn't sound Japanese at all. But that'll be for later, right now I better get us out of here before more of that monster come at us.

I looked at the girl who was still staring at me with an abashed look. Her golden eyes glittered a little when they met mine. Her lips were still open as she stared at me.

By the way, she is still holding my hand and hasn't let go.

"Umm, is there something wrong?"

She shook her head and then opened her lips.

"I give you my gratitude for saving me, Shirou-san."

She held my hand with her two hands, appreciating what I did. She was so formal just now.

Is she a princess or someone in a higher position?

"Uhh, you're welcome? I'm not really good with formality, I hope you can forgive me for that. And please, just call me Shirou, there is no need for formality, Wallenstein-san."

"Then, please call me Aiz, there is no need for formality either, Shirou."

She smiles at me at that. She doesn't cry anymore, but I can see her eyes are still puffed because of all the crying that she did just now.

Then I nod at her before I ask the question that has been bugging me.

"If I may ask, what are you doing in a dangerous place like this?"

"Please talk to me normally, Shirou. As for the reason why I'm here...I was chasing a beautiful butterfly in the forest and when it was gone, I realized that I'm already deep inside the dungeon."


Okay, another thing to note. A dungeon with monsters inside it. Definitely not Japan or anywhere in the world.

But still, to forget about her situation because of a butterfly definitely says that she's still a kid although she can be too formal.

"Do you know which direction where you came from then? I can escort you outside if you want to."

"Yes, please!"

That was almost an immediate answer as she gripped my hand tighter than before.

"I don't remember which direction I came in, but I know there is a stair leading to the next floor over there an hour ago."

Aiz pointed in the direction where I came from.


If only I arrived sooner in this dungeon, maybe she wouldn't be chased by that monster.

"Hey, hey, how are you so strong? You seem around my age but you were able to kill the Hell Minotaur with one swing."

As I was busy with my thoughts, she closed in real fast, her face was really close to mine, only several centimeters away.

That was when I remembered that I'm not a 17-years old anymore but roughly a 10-years old kid. I still don't know how I become like this since it was only around a few seconds when I closed my eyes back when the world ended and when I opened them, I was inside this dungeon with a regressed body.

Not that I'm complaining but I prefer my older height returned to me.

Back to my current situation, I took a step back from her sudden aggressiveness. No, by the look in her eyes, it was as if a kid meeting their hero or something similar to that.

"I practice every day?."

I answered her. By the way, the monster's name that she mentioned, Hell Minotaur wasn't it? I know Minotaur from stories or alike, but I've never heard of Hell Minotaur. I wonder if that's why the body was melting and gave out smoke?

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