Chapter 6

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Shirou Emiya was in a trouble.

He had never encountered a situation like this before since he knew what his sister Miyu loved.

Things were never difficult with her.



"So... what will it be kid?" asked the older redhead to his apprentice while they were having dinner in their forge.

Shirou looked up and blinked.


Crozzo cast an unbelieving glance at his pupil.

"What do you mean by what!? It's in another week y'know!?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Crozzo shook his head and groaned out loud.

"Aiz's birthday is coming..."

The younger redhead's eyes were wide open the moment he heard that.

"Her birthday is on the 25th of December, the same as Christmas... so you better prepare presents for the girl."

"Wait... presents? As in plural?"

The older redhead gave a 'are you being serious' look toward his apprentice.

"Birthday and Christmas."


Shirou sighed. The redhead had only known the girl for two days and had no idea what she liked or disliked.

"Can you help—"

"NOPE!" Crozzo made an 'X' with his hands in front of him. "You've got to do this on your own!"


"Oi, did you just click your tongue!?"

"...Huh? Did you say anything, Crozzo?"

The older redhead slapped the back of his apprentice's head playfully before mumbling his way out of the forge with the plates.

"Disrespectful brat."

The redhead, who had been left alone in the forge, rubbed the back of his head, thinking about the upcoming week.

"Presents huh..."

"I wonder if I can just forge her a sword as a gift..."

Crozzo had only taught him the fundamentals of smithing the day before. However, Shirou had knowledge of every weapon he owned in his Reality Marble, so forging each weapon wasn't too difficult - minus their capabilities, of course.

He also used different materials because he didn't have the same resources.

"...If I apply the smithing techniques from each weapon, maybe... maybe I can try to make my own original ones..."

The redhead smirked.

'it would be nice if I could make a sword that is unbreakable and can cut any type of hardness...'



It had been 5 days since that day.

While Shirou couldn't really make a sword that can cut any type of hardness, at least it was unbreakable.

He had no name for the sword yet but It had a silver blade, a blue guard shaped like S, and a blue grip. (AN: Aiz's main weapon, Desperate.)

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