Chapter 3

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The word strong doesn't justify the black-haired man called Albert who is currently fighting at the front line. That is what I thought as I watch him killing monsters here and there before Hrunting could even sense them coming at us.

"He's showing off."

I turned to the jade-haired elf called Celdia. She was fuming as if exasperated at how Albert-san acted. Oh, I know that he's trying to show that he is much better than me and I don't deny that. His weapon itself told me that I will have no chance to win unless I manifest my Reality Marble and spam swords against him.

"Oh, let him be. He's just jealous that Aiz-chan here is going with Shirou than him. Better let him vent off right now rather than later."

Yes, I agree with the Amazon woman, Evelda. I don't want to be his target later on when we get out of the dungeon. But still... I turned at the blonde girl who still had her arm linked with mine.

She was admiring his father with a happy expression.

Why don't you go to him? No, actually, please go to him since I can't stand the look your papa gives me anymore.

"Shirou, isn't it?"

I turned to Celdia who suddenly called out my name while we kept walking forward with Albert-san killing every monster in his sight.


"You don't need to be nervous," she chuckled. "I'm not going to eat you or anything...but perhaps Albert over there would."

"Ahaha..." I can't deny that.

"I've been wondering...why are some of your hair and parts of your skin have different colors? and that...scar on your face..."

Well...I didn't expect she would outrightly ask me that question, I was lucky that only veterans like them could see the scar right now or Aiz would have freaked out. It was thin, but I guess I shouldn't underestimate their eyes.

"It's because I overused my magic when I started using it," I lied about my age but not the reasons why some of my hair and parts of my skin have different colors. "As for this," I pointed at the scar she mentioned. "I'll answer it later."

Celdia hummed at my answer before she began to question me again.

"Tell me more about your magic, Aiz said that you summoned swords?"

"Looots of powerful swords!" Aiz corrected.

I gave her a small chuckle at that.

"Yes, I summoned swords with my magic, including the sword in my hand right now."

It's better not to tell her about my magecraft too detailed.

"Hoh?" the two women's eyes narrowed at Hrunting.

"I can feel that sword is not just a normal sword... What can it do?"

"Um... Its potency increased when I fight monsters." I answered the curious Amazon.

"Does it work on a Dragon?"

"Dragons? It should be." 'Since Beowulf killed a dragon before he succumbed to the dragon's poison.'

The two women's eyes widened... is that hope that I see in their eyes?

"Hey boy, lemme hold that sword of yours for a moment."

I nodded at Evelda before handing Hrunting to her. Then she swung it several times as if trying its balance.

"This is incredible...with this, perhaps we could kill it..."

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