꧁ Episode 6 🍁꧂

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Please ignore my mistake ) :-


Recap :-

Suga - Leave this matter baby, we have nothing to do with this, it's his personal life and he can do whatever he wants ( he replied to him and Jimin sighed heavily and nodded his head )


Hobi - Guys let's drink and don't think about anything ( he said to them and they started sipping their drinks while talking with each other and Jungkook was thinking about certain someone who was roaming in his head all the time )

He saw both left from there and went inside the private room, he knows very well what they are doing and when he thought about Lucas touching Taehyung like this then he started boiling from inside and closed his eyes to control his thoughts and threw his glass on the floor.

Everyone flinched at his actions and looked at him with worried face but Mathew was very scared from him and didn't say anything to him and Jungkook immediately left from there and they were looking at his disappearing figure with confused faces.

Jimin - What has happened to him suddenly, why is he acting like this ( he asked to them and they shrugged off their shoulders and Jimin sighed heavily )

Hobi - Don't think so much about it, he might be angry over something and it is better if we stay away from him for now, otherwise you know about his anger ( he replied to him and Jimin nodded his head )

Namjoon - You all finish your drinks quickly and we should also go home because we don't know where he might have gone but it is getting very late ( he said to them and everyone finished their drink and left from there )


Other Side ( Basement ) :-

Jungkook came towards his secret basement and saw his guards were already there and he walked inside the room and every guards bowed him immediately and Jungkook didn't look at them and entered inside the room and saw some men were tied up from the chain and the condition of all of them looked very bad, blood was flowing from everyone's body.

It seemed as if they had been beaten badly and Jungkook smirked at them while looking at their condition, he asked for weapons from his guards and started beating them badly without showing them any mercy and they were screaming like a mad man because Jungkook was beating them with his full force.

He remembered Taehyung face and earlier incident on the road and his face became dark and he clenched his jaw when he remembered how they were staring at him with their dirty lust eyes and he increased his force and beaten them mercilessly and they all became unconscious and Jungkook stopped finally and his guards were looking at him with scared face.

Because Jungkook was looking like a psycho beast who became out of control and Jungkook was breathing heavily and his hair was wet and sticking on his forehead because of sweat and he looked at them with fire eyes and threw the rod on the floor and ruffled his hair then looked at his guards.

Jungkook - Kill them all and throw them in our forest where my pet dogs are hungry for many days ( he ordered to them in his cold and scary voice )

Guards - Yes boss ( they replied to him immediately and Jungkook looked at them for last time and left from there and guards started doing their work because they didn't want to make angry their boss )


Other Side :-

Taehyung woke up from his sleep and he was feeling very tired and lazy so he get up from the bed and saw it's ten in the night and he yawned then went towards bathroom to freshen up and wore something comfortable and lose clothes then he felt his stomach slowly ache and he realized what was happening to him so he immediately went towards his cupboard.

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