꧁ Episode 15 🍁꧂

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Please ignore my mistake ) :-


Recap :-

Taehyung - I.. It's hurting~ please leave me ( he said to him while stuttering and Jungkook pushed him on the bed and Taehyung hold his chin softly to ease his pain but Jungkook left the room in anger and Taehyung sighed heavily )


Other Side :-

After treating him, Jaehyun went straight downstairs because he didn't want to stay in that devil room even for a minute, as soon as he came out, he let out a deep long breath, he didn't even know how long he had held his breath in fear, when he came down and saw that everyone was in the living room, he immediately went to them and others looked at him with questionable face so he sat on the couch.

Jin - I will go and see him once ( he said to them and get up from the couch and was about to go but stopped )

Jimin - Hyung please stop, I will also go with you ( he said to him and Jin nodded his head and both left from there )

Namjoon - How is his condition now ( he asked to him and Jaehyun looked at him with sighed )

Jaehyun - His condition is fine, he just panicked a little too much so he fainted, I have given him the injection and he will be fine in a short time ( he replied to him and Namjoon nodded his head )

Hobi - Well, it's good that nothing much happened to him ( he said to them and Jaehyun was looking at them with confused face )

Jaehyun - Guys but who was that boy and what was he doing in Jungkook's bedroom because he didn't allow anyone to enter inside his bedroom and that boy was sleeping on his bed ( he asked to him and they looked at him with surprise face )

Kai - Didn't he tell you who he is ( he asked to him back and Jaehyun shook his head immediately )

Jaehyun - I asked him who he is and he replied that you didn't need to know and he didn't let me touch that boy ( he replied to him and they looked at him with shocked face because it's new thing for them )

Suga - That boy is his wife ( he replied to him and Jaehyun looked at him with widened eyes and shocked face )

Jaehyun - WHAT!!!! how did this happen, he was saying that he is not interested in these shit and he will never marry anyone ( he said to him with surprise face and they chuckled at him )

Jin - But love can make people do that things which they didn't think to do in their life ( he replied to him while coming towards them with Jimin )

Jaehyun - You mean to say Jungkook loves that boy ( he asked to him in confusion )

Jimin - No, Jin hyung doesn't mean it like that but Jungkook is definitely getting attracted towards Taehyung and is also becoming soft for him somewhere in his heart ( he replied to him and Jaehyun nodded his head in understanding )

Jaehyun - If that is the case then it is very good, now he is not alone and there is someone with him who will take care of him always ( he said to him and they looked at him with happy face )

Kai - You all were not there otherwise you should have seen what he did, I never saw him this much angry till today and without asking anything and without saying anything, he killed all three of them instantly ( he told them and they looked at him with surprise face )

Hobi - Yes, he would definitely kill them because they had not touched any ordinary person but had touched Mafia King's wife, so how could he let them go ( he replied to him and Kai looked at him with smile because he loves his husband so much and he couldn't disagree with him )

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