꧁ Episode 7 🍁꧂

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Please ignore my mistake ) :-


Recap :-

Jungkook - WHAT THE HELL ( he shouted angrily and looked around the room and saw it's morning time and he was sitting on his bed and he was breathing heavily and closed his eyes in frustration and remembered about the dream and sighed heavily then get up from the bed )


His heart was beating fast and he cursed himself after seeing this dream and how can he dream about him like this and making out with him on his bed, he groaned angrily and punched the wall hardly while breathing heavily because of too much emotion inside his heart and anger was in his mind, he wanted to stay away from him but he was getting closer to him again and again.

He couldn't understand why he felt this way for him because this had never happened to him before and he didn't attracted towards anyone no matter how beautiful the boy or girl is, he was never interested in relationship and anyone, he was happy alone in his life but this boy was messing with his mind and he was feeling very frustrated because of him.

After some time he became completely calm and then immediately went to the bathroom to take a cold shower because he wanted to relax his mind, he was in a bad mood in the morning and he didn't want to spoil his mood for the rest of the day because he had a lot of meetings and a lot of work to do and he also had to deal with his mafia works so he didn't want to spoil his mind beforehand.

He went inside the bathroom and immediately took off all his clothes from his body and he turned on the shower and stood under the water, and when cold water started falling on his mascular body, he closed his eyes and started relaxing his mind, but even after closing his eyes, he could still see his beautiful face, so he immediately opened his eyes and started concentrating on bathing.

After enjoying the cold shower for some time, he came back to his room with the towel wrapped around his waist and he immediately went inside his closet while drying his hair then he selected a nice suit for himself and after getting it ready, he wore his expensive watch and then put his gun in his waistband and left from there to downstairs to meet others.

When he left his room and came downstairs, he saw that Jin was arranging the dining table and Jimin was helping him in the kitchen, but he was getting late for a meeting so he didn't want to have breakfast right now and after that he had to go for a meeting in college, and he was about to leave from there when Jin saw him and immediately called him.

Jin - Where are you going so early in the morning, wherever you are going, go after having breakfast because it is not always good to go out on an empty stomach in the morning ( he said to him and Jungkook looked at him with cold face )

Jungkook - There is no need for this, I am late for a meeting so I will have to leave, I will have breakfast outside ( he replied to him and was about to go but stopped )

Jimin - We both prepare breakfast for everyone every morning and work so hard and then you leave home without eating every day, this is not a good thing, now sit down and have some breakfast please ( he said to him while coming inside the dining room and Jungkook sighed heavily and sat on the chair )

Jungkook - I have to go to a very important meeting, so serve me breakfast quickly because I am getting late ( he said to them and Jin served him his breakfast and he started eating then after sometime he was done with his breakfast and left from there )

Jin - When will he understand that only work is not important in this life, he should pay attention to other things also, if he finds the right life partner for himself, he will also be settled in his life and there will be someone to take care of him ( he said to him who looked at him with sigh )

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