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Name: Sven Ericson

Age: 28


Personality: Bold, Kind, Fierce, Wise

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Personality: Bold, Kind, Fierce, Wise

Likes: Training, Nature walks, Camping, Strolling through the Park, Wolves, Helping People

Dislikes: Innocence people being harmed in many forms, Injustice, Harassment, People talking bad at his past and Family

Sven had a rough life in his youth at the age of 12, he was harassed by his own mother and treated him like trash until he had enough and managed to use all his strength to escape from his own personal hell which leads him into the woods where he spent his three years of freedom in the forest until one day he met a hunter during his camping trip when Sven was out looking for food when they both met the hunter treated Sven with kindness but Sven kept his guard up and the hunter did everything in his power to calm the wild boy down which the hunter managed to do it and he introduced himself as Herald Ericson. Herald soon adopted him and teaches Sven the ways of the hunter but this particular type of hunter doesn't harm animals but instead protects them and the nature around them from people who hunt animals for sports or more as well as illegal logging also, Herald also teaches Sven how to be wise, kind & patient as well as being bold, fierce, standing your ground when facing challenges in your life or how to solved them, and self-defense. He didn't have a lot of friends because Sven is afraid on what they will might think about him or harming him for their own benefits, he didn't let his guard down throughout his years and managed to graduate high school and college with a high passed but didn't got arrogant thanks to his adopted father's teachings in how to deal with challenges and how to solved them. He then got interested in the Warhammer 40k games, when he first encountered 40k cosplayers namely Space Wolf, Guardsman & Tech Priest which sparked his interest and did some research about them and the games that he could find online, he soon familiarized with the Space Wolves, Guardsmen, and more. When Sven learns about the Space Wolves he became a Space Wolves fan, especially to the Grey Hunters for he sees them as Hunters as well and managed to get himself a game, Warhammer 40k: Space Marine where he plays as a customed Grey Hunter with some Mods that he managed to afford for his avatar space marine. The Weapons he uses are: Stalker Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Combat Knife, Power Axe, Power Fist in Multiplayer game mode of the game, Sven even plays Warhammer 40k Darktide as well as a Veteran Sharpshooter with the weapons of Lasguns, Laspistol, Stub Revolver, Antax Combat Axe, Catachan Combat Blade. Sven even watches Hammer & Bolter videos, namely the 40k videos as well as all the Pariah Nexus episodes.

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