Prolouge: Chapter 3

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The First New Chosen Savior!

Countless years have passed since the legendary battle, Don Armage had made easy work of completely erasing it's name and its existence in history. Nobody in this age or era had any idea that such battle had even taken place.

Akio still worked for Don Armage, he had been promoted to Don Armage's right-hand man a few weeks ago. It was certainly an interesting job for him, he was often made to kill of some rebels. It wasn't quite a hard job now since he had learned how to fight well by a certain someone..

Other than that, Akio is also in charge of making sure everyone hired by Don Armage was doing their job right. It was an annoying job for Akio, having to go visiting different areas and making sure that nothing goes wrong was no fun for him.

He absolutely did not enjoy traveling a lot but was left with no choice at all. At least when things aren't going his way or is in a bad mood he could take out his anger on workers, until he was stopped by Kuron which got him mad at him for ruining his fun.

Akio still held onto both of the Kyutamas he was given, the ship that Orion hid was safely hidden away somewhere only the new chosen saviors alongside with Akio when the time is right.

The other Kyutama that he was given by the gods above stayed in his pocket for most of the days. He never used it though, he definitely didn't want Don Armage finding out that he has one right now.

Here he is once again on the move, making sure a newer member of Jark Matter was keeping their word, he was recently playing rock paper scissors with the governor but his stupid job says otherwise! He was also on a 36th win streak! So annoying, well what matters is that he isn't here to waste his time on him.

Akio entered the base and made his way to the newly built lab, he must say, he was amazed at how fast they could finish building this! Anyways, inside the lab was the new recruit he was told about.

At first when he got the task he just accepted it with no hesitation, but this was the first time he has seen Don Armage truly interested in his creations, he can't blame him since he also find his creations quite cool.

Once Akio was in front of the door he knocked twice before entering the room. He looked around in the lab, it was a lot more built than any other places he had seen before. This certain person is really busy.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Anton!~ I'm here to check up on ya! Also pardon my intrusion", Akio greeted him happily as he did his signature two-finger salute to him.

He couldn't help but notice the slight fear in his gaze as he greeted him back, that was certainly unusual. He always greeted everyone with wide open arms, so why did he looked scared to him though?

Was it because he was intimidated by Akio? He is someone to not to mess with and also a higher status than him, yeah that could be the reason why.

"So... What are you building here, doc?", Akio asked him as he stared at the robot in the center of the room, they were hooked up to a lot of sensors! Geez that's a lot of sensors for one robot.

"He is... A.. Fighting robot..", Dr. Anton said as he chose his words carefully from the sound of it. As Akio raised an eyebrow at him, there's definitely something going on in here.

"Did you give him a name? Wait actually nevermind, it's probably some random numbers or letters or something isn't it, right..?", Akio asked as before realizing what he said. What kind of question is that, Dr. Anton would always give his own creations random numbers or an unidentifiying name. He felt like a total idiot for asking him that.

Who said that a Villain can't love a hero or savior? (Kyuranger x Male oc) Where stories live. Discover now