V. Dies Irae

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Dies Irae

Day of Wrath



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Sumire Village
Kingdom of Vale
World of Remnant

As Hikaru followed Dell outside the Town Hall, he saw that people were leaving quickly and in a well-organized fashion.

Hikaru made some observations about the situation after seeing their belongings packed and some of the flying machines land on the level grassy plains.

A mass flight of birds flew past them making them more uncomfortable for the problem ahead.

"This is really bad." Dell remarked. "C'mon, boy. Follow me to the ridge." Dell said to the Demon Slayer as he unfurled his rifle-spear named, "Unbroken", behind his back.

There are twenty-eight more huntsmen and huntresses waiting for Dell as they approach the edge. As they saw their leader, they readied themselves, and a few of them nodded, signaling that they were prepared to hold off the Grimm.

"I see that beneath those toughened expressions on your faces are expressions of fear, hesitation, and worry." Dell got right into his speech. "I am aware of my own fear. However, we have to get rid of those ideas because the Grimm will become more powerful against you because of them."

Hearing that, a few straightened up. Dell went on, "Now is the time! It is up to us to save the village! It is something we must do. We are going to do this! Huntsmen of Sumire, are you with me?"

Few people cheered. Yet Dell raised his voice even further. "I say again, HUNTSMEN OF SUMIRE, ARE YOU WITH ME?!"

"YEAHH!" All of them roared in response.

"For our village! Defeat the Grimms!"

"Defeat the Grimms!"

Exactly as they said that, the ground trembled. All of the defenders stopped their cheering as they turned around.

"I see something through the treeline." Hikaru pointed out as Dell squints his eyes.

" Hikaru pointed out as Dell squints his eyes

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