XXI. Dies Optimus Semper Pt. 2

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Dies Optimus Semper

Best Day Ever



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3rd PoV

The gang watched from the sidelines as chaos erupted inside the cafeteria with breadsticks flying, cabbages being launched, chairs and tables acted as the walls and making the battlefield for the students who participates in the food war.

Tomioka valiantly held onto his noodle bowl, contently slurping its contents as Hikaru ducked a little, avoiding an incoming plate of spaghetti as it hits the wall behind him. Rengoku interestingly watches Team RWBY's fighting prowess while Uzui laughs and laughs, seeing Jaune getting kicked up in the air.

"How strong are those baguettes?" Tomioka wondered, observing both Weiss and Pyrrha on a duel with her swordfish versus the double breadsticks Pyrrha carries.

"That is why I don't eat those breads, Giyuu. Can't even chew properly." Y/N grumbled as he dodged another pie that nearly messed up his hair. "HEY, WATCH THE HEAD!"

He heard a "Sorry!" from Ruby and Pyrrha as Team RUST noticed two guys entering the cafeteria.

"Hehey! Wassup, my man!" The happy-go-lucky monkey Faunus, Sun, greets Team RUST, arms spreading. He notices the war inside the cafeteria. "Whoa, what's happening?"

In a synchronized nonchalant glance, Team RUST didn't answer. Sun gets this and awkwardly raises his hands as he chuckles nervously. "Ooohh... Hehe..."

"Forgive him," The blue-haired teen said, patting Sun's back. "He doesn't experience a food fight ever before."

"And... who're you?" Hikaru asks.

The guy reaches his hand out, "Neptune Vasilias, from Mistral. Also a friend of this idiot beside me."

"Idiot?" Sun scoffs. "Let's see who's the idiot when it comes to water. Hah!"

"I'm Hikaru Shin." Hikaru shook Neptune's hand as they again dodged an incoming chair. He jerked his thumb towards his teammates. "That guy who holds the ramen bowl is Giyuu Tomioka, the muscular guys is Tengen Uzui, and the guy with orange and red hair is Kyojuro Rengoku."

The three nodded at Neptune as a silent greeting before Neptune notices their haoris.

"Weird..." Neptune muttered. Hikaru hears this.

"What weird?" He then points at his own haori. "This one? I thought Mistral have this as their culture?"

Neptune denies this and rapidly waves his hand around. "No, no, no. I mean-- I've seen those pattern on your haoris before."

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