XVII. Peccata Praeterita

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Peccata Praeterita

Sins of the Past



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(A/N: One reader of mine mentioned the pictures like above as a sign of a POV change. So, as an author, I do listen to my reader's suggestions. This time, if you see a picture like Blake above, it is her POV but not purely in 1st. Thanks!)


Blake ran to who knows where.

Away from Beacon, away from her team, her friends. Just like from before.

Her eyes blinked at the memory of leaving Adam to his dise back at that train mission. She knew that what she did was right. But today, there are people that made Blake feel that Adam is right in a way.

Humans are racists...

But Adam is also wrong in some way.

For a human understood her. It was Hikaru.

Reaching the courtyard of Beacon, the broken moon shone above her as she slowly removes her bow, letting the wind to help her take it off. Her mind again reminded her conversation with Hikaru that early morning.

How could he envy the Faunus kind? He wants to have ears like hers, eyes that can see well in the dark, nose that could track and remember people? Why?

She clenches her fists yet her expression softened, a smile merely formed.

"I knew you were better off without the bow." The voice stated, causing her to snap to the voice's direction. Only to see the monkey faunus from before.

"You..." Blake cautiously calls him. Distrustful at the faunus' approach. "Why are you here...?"

The teen shrugged as he did a backflip and lands on his feet. "Leaving a distressed maiden here all alone? I think not."

Blake didn't like the way he speaks. "I'm not distressed." She scowled.

The monkey faunus simply smiled and crossed his arms, waiting for her to say more. Blake and the faunus have a short staredown before her face hardened.

"Leave me alone." Blake stated and left him there as she dashed away from his sights.

"Wha-Hey, wait!"



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