VII. Album Sicut Nix

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Album Sicut Nix

White as Snow



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As the airship descends below Beacon's landing pads, one of the first airships opens its back door, letting out a bunch of new students out. With Hikaru at front, he was the first to step outside before he was suddenly bumped by the blonde from earlier.

Hikaru sighs as he felt pity at the blonde, hurling again at the trashcan. Ignoring him, he observed people, people that were dreaming to become a huntsman.

As he laid his eyes on the other airships, more people poured out. Some are nervous and alone, several had groups already, talking to each other with confidence and excitement. Faunus or Human alike.

What'd caught his attention is a lone Atlas cargo transport descending down on a small patch of grass around the courtyard. His eyes squinted as he tried to read the letters engraved at the side of the said transport.

"SDC...?" His eyes narrowed at the name. "Somehow, I can sense a rich brat coming out from that." He said flatly then shrugs. "Eh, whatever. It's not like my problem anyways. School is school wherever you go..."

Passing through the Atlesian transport, his feet landed him in front of a stone statue at the middle of the courtyard. A fountain was in the bottom of it as the statue depicts two people, which Hikaru assumes are a  huntsman and a huntress, claiming their victory on a downed Ursa Grimm, with their foot stepping on its body and head.

And as Hikaru slowly admires the view, his gaze wandered at the main building. The Beacon Academy itself.

Hikaru, even that he'd saw and visited the academy numerous times, he was still impressed by its majestic build and wonder. "Wow..." He gaped and whistled.

"Hikaru?" A faint feminine voice calls him from behind.

"Hm?" He turns around, seeing a familiar face. "Oh, hey, Velvet. How are you?"

The now third year academy student giggled while she holds her camera. "I am fine, Hikaru. How are you ?" She returns back. "I'm capturing photos for the school paper, if you are asking."

"I can see that." Hikaru grinned. "By the way, where's Coco and Yatsu?" He asks. Since he was a familiar face inside the Academy itself when he did some part time jobs at the library and the cafeteria.

Velvet slightly grumbled at this. "As usual. Coco's at downtown doing a shopping spree. While Yatsu's at the training yard, probably practicing his skills since he lost to you that time, remember?"

Forgotten, he tilts his head. "Huh? Did I? I thought Yatsu won and not me?"

Velvet rolls her eyes. "Silly. You either doesn't remember genuinely or you're trying hard not to."

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