XXVI: Proximus Res

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The Next Episode

Proximus Res



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1st PoV

A lot happened after the fight with Mecha Torchwick, as I call him. He was saved by the skin of his teeth thanks to that midget. That ice cream girl that I met before at the park. If only I knew she's Torchwick's ally...

And obviously as we returned back to Beacon, Team RWBY got scolded by Glynda while we were recalled by the Headmaster himself as we reported to her what happened back there with Gyokko. She was alarmed by that and allowed us to go.

The tension inside Ozpin's room was heavy as footage of the fight between Team RUST and Gyokko plays in front of him. It was caught by a local HCTV (High Circuit Television) and thankfully, it was filtered and not allowed to be known by the Vale News Network, not going to add more fuel to the fire and making the entire population panic.

"As you can see," Ozpin pauses the video and looks back at us with contemplative eyes. "-the demonstration of that demon was much faster than a Boarbatusk Grimm. The speed was unparalleled as you mentioned." He closed the tab and let out a big sigh. "And if that demon will attack during the Vytal Festival, a lot of events will happen. All negative and negative means attracting Grimm."

"Which results in more lives in danger." I spoke with a cold tone. "Worry not, Headmaster. We will intensify our search to eradicate him once and for all."

Ozpin gave me an amused look. "Pray tell how, Mr. Shin? You said to yourself that Gyokko might be in hiding after that mess."

"Clues, Headmaster." I replied with no hesitation. "We've been doing this since. We hunted those demons after we proved and baptized ourselves in fire. We've done it and we will do it again."

"Hmm..." the Headmaster of Beacon let out a thoughtful hum. "Very well, Mr. Shin. You can continue your night patrols as usual, but be mindful of your own health." He then looked at me from head to toe. "And go clean yourself, you look like a porcupine faunus with those spikes littered all over your body."


I heard snorts and small chuckling behind me, and the group instantly turned away as I gave them a glare. I looked back at Ozpin and nodded tiredly.

"Yes, Headmaster."

"You may go now, Mr. Shin, and team RUST. Please do avoid Glynda tonight. She's tired enough that she must not have spotted your condition. If she notices you again..."

"She'll skin me alive. Yes, Headmaster. I know. Goodnight."

Ozpin raises me his mug of hot chocolate as we enter the empty chamber.

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