Chapter 9

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Smut warning for this chapter. I haven't written smut before so I apologize in advance.

Max moves his mouth down to my breast, focusing his attention on the soft skin. I feel my breasts tighten as he continues. I look down to find him looking straight up at me. A look of hunger in his eyes. He continues the eye contact as his mouth moves over the hardened peak of my breast. His hot breath fans across it and I feel my breasts tighten even more, if that was possible. He closes his lips around the hardened peak and sparks shoot up my spine. I guttural sound leaves my mouth, it is incredibly loud. He quickly places his large hand over my mouth, attempting to silence the sounds. "Quiet, Princess." He whispers as his mouth moves from my breast down towards the last piece of clothing left on my body. He gently pulls the white lace from my body. His breath hitching as he reveals my sacred spot.

His eyes roam my body, taking in my naked form as he stands up. He undoes his belt and he removes his pants with his underwear. I watch as his hard length is revealed. I gasp as I realize it's not quite how Rachel had explained it to me. The tip is a deep red color and I watch as the veins wrap their way around it. "This has happened because of you. You are so gorgeous and beautiful and the sounds you make are music to my ears. They make me need you in many ways. Would you like for me to talk you through it?" He suggests. "Please. Can I touch it?" I ask him and he sits down on the bed near me. I sit up, his hand taking mine. I halt it, remembering Rachel's advice. I run my nails along his thigh first, inching closer and closer to the ever hardening length. Gently, I take it in my hand and he lets out a groan. One that makes the heat in my lower stomach grow. He grabs my hand and slowly moves it up and down the hard length. I can feel the veins throbbing below my fingers.

I feel some sort of wetness between my legs, which causes me to pull away. I refuse to believe I have just wet myself. I haven't done that since I was a young girl. "What's wrong?" He asks, worry covering his gorgeous features. "It is wet between my legs which means I've somehow wet myself, I apologize, I didn't even realize and I am extremely embarrassed." I ramble. He stops my by placing his hand on my thigh. "I can guarantee you have not wet yourself. Have you ever touched yourself there before?" He asks. "Yes, in the bath." I say to him. "No, not like that. Have you ever made yourself feel good by touching there?" He asks again. I shake my head. "Ok so this is another thing I would need to explain to you. Do you feel a warm sensation below your belly button?" He asks me. "Yes, whenever you are near which is odd." I admit and he lets out a small groan at my admission. "Why, is that bad?" I question.

"No, it is good. It means you are aroused. Sexually aroused. That happens when you are around someone that you are attracted to. Someone you yearn to be with. Arousal shows differently in a man and a woman for different reasons. This is what arousal for a man looks like," he says, placing my hand around his length again "it fills with blood and becomes as hard as stone. For a woman, fluid is released. These two parts will join together like a lock and key, perfectly shaped to fit together. Imagine a lock and key, how the key is solid and fits into the lock, a hole in the door. It is the same concept. The fluid released by the woman allows the man to move within her. Does that help you understand." He asks, I nod slowly. "So the wetness is good?" I question. "Yes, it is." He says.

"I feel the warmth down there when I'm around you because I'm attracted to you and you become solid around me because you're attracted to me." I say, checking if I heard correctly. "Indeed. Would you like me to show you how it works?" He questions, and I nod my head yes. Eager to feel what Rachel explained to me as pleasure. Max pushes me onto my back and hovers over me. He pushes my thighs apart and moves between my legs. His fingers move to my center. The ghost over my center and I feel my stomach tighten and sparks fly through my body. He slowly pushes a finger through the long slit. A noise is drawn out of my mouth as he drags his finger through me. The sound of the wetness is obscene but he seems to enjoy it as I watch his eyes roll back into his head with a groan. "Fuck, you are so wet for me." He groans, the obscene language hitting my ears and making me groan. I feel his finger push into me and I'm groaning loudly again. I feel muscles tighten and relax in my lower stomach. Max dips his head down and groans in my ear. "Fuck, you feel incredible around my finger." He groans.


I am awoken by bright sunshine streaming through the window. I panic, hoping max will not be late for his apprenticeship but then I remember him mentioning that he does not have to work today. I groan at the stuff feeling between my legs but the pain disappears as the memories from last night come flooding back. Max entering me and showing me a whole new world of enjoyment and pleasure. I sigh as I sink further into the bed, the movement awakens Max next to me. "Good morning my love." He says in my ear as he pulls me close to him. "Good morning." I smile back. "Last night was amazing. Thank you." I say to him and he smiles. "The first night of many, your welcome. It was incredible." He smiles and softly kisses me. "I love you." I say when he pulls away. "I love you too." He smiles, making my heart melt. "I will love you forever, in every life that I live from now on." I claim. "In every life from now on." Max confirms, threading his fingers through mine, holding our hands together under the covers.

We lay in the bed for hours, talking about anything and everything. He shyly explained a little more about the act we committed last night and I realized there is a lot more to it than what we did.

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