Chapter 21

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My bedroom door opens and Thomas walks in. I look up from the movie playing on my laptop and I feel max stiffen next to me. After we finished reading the journal, I suggested we watch a movie and max couldn't say yes quick enough. "Oh, Verstappen. I didn't realize you were here. I was wondering why the table was only set for two earlier." He says leaning against the wall. "Thomas can you please leave us alone." I say to him. "I just wanted to say that dinner is ready but I see you are preoccupied. I'll let mom know." He says and max starts to get up. "Maybe I should go." He says. "No please don't. Join us for dinner. I know my dad already loves you so you have nothing to worry about." I smile at him. He thinks for a moment. "I can't say no to you, can I?" He smiles down at me, placing his hand on my cheek. "Please don't ever do stuff like that in front of me again." Thomas says, pretending to throw up as he walks out of my room. "Come, let's go for dinner." I smile at him and take his hand in mine as we walk down to the dining room.

We walk in and my mom's eyes glance our way before she does a double take and looks back at us. "Max! I didn't realize you were here. It's so nice to see you again." Mom smiles at him and I can feel him slightly relax next to me. "It's great to see you again too." He smiles nervously. "Come and sit. Let's eat." My dad smiles at him and we make our way to the table. I grab an extra setting for max and place it next to my empty seat. "Thank you." He whispers with a smile as we sit down and begin to dish our food.

After dinner I walk with Max towards the front door. "Thank you for today. It was really eye opening." Max laughs. "Yes that's for sure. I still can't believe I was standing on the edge of that turret." I say with a slight laugh. "I was so scared. I had no idea if you'd break out of the vision before..." he stops. "It's ok. Thankfully you were there to save me. My night in shining armor." I smile up at him. "For the rest of time?" He ask with a light chuckle. "Yeah, for the rest of time." I smile. It seems like we really are meant for each other.


I laugh at Max's comment as I shift on my bed, I hold my phone in front of my face. Watching as he does his last minute preparations for the first free practice in Monza this weekend. Ever since max left on Monday night we have been texting and face timing nonstop. He was showing me around the beautiful town of Monza, just outside Milan, where they are racing this weekend. It's so beautiful with all the trees. It seems so peaceful. I told him I'm coming with him next year to see this beautiful place for myself. He said he wished I was there right now. I changed the subject so we weren't stuck on a sad topic.

His sigh echoed through the speakers on my phone. "What's up?" I ask, worried. "I have to take my chain off." He says sadly and I almost laugh at him. "It's ok, you can put it back on later." I say. "I know but now it reminds me of you and I don't want to take it off." He says looking down at his phone, at me. "As adorable as that is, I don't want you to get in trouble for wearing jewelry." I say to him. "Not all jewelry is banned, if I had a wedding ring I could wear that." He says looking back at his phone from where he is warming up. "Whoa! What happened to taking it slow, Mister Now-I-want-to-talk-about-marriage." I say with a laugh. "I know, I was joking. That discussion will come later." He says confidently. "Wow, someone's confident." I laugh. "You think I'm going to let you go after everything we've been through. Literally everything. No ways. Like I said, I'll wait forever for you." He says sternly but softly, looking into the camera so I know he means what he is saying. "If it makes you feel any better, I only want to wear a ring from you anyways." I laugh, twisting the one currently on my right hand.

"Actually that does make me feel better, thanks babe." He smiles. I'm about to question the nickname but then I hear someone calling his name. "I've got to go babe." There's the nickname again. "I'll chat to you later, yeah?" He asks. "Yup, I'll be watching you on tv." I smile at him. "I'll wave to you." He laughs. "Bye Maxie." I say, two can play this nickname game. "Bye Anna." He smiles and the face time ends. With a smile wide on my face, I press the on button for my tv and flip to the sports channel showing f1.

My heart beats wildly from excitement as max crosses the finish line in first place, securing another record for himself of 10 race wins in a row. It's absolutely incredible. I send him a text message to congratulate him because I know he will be busy with interviews and stuff for a while so he can phone me when he is available.

Timeless - Max Verstappen Where stories live. Discover now