Chapter 33

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I took my heels off as soon as we got into the car. Max pulls my body against his and he pulls my head to face him as he leans down to kiss me. I feel the car move as he continues to kiss me, slowly and deeply. With just the two of us in the car and a very well paid driver, max continues to kiss me all the way from the club back to his apartment. We are a few drinks in but we both know our limits. I know Taryn went back to Charles apartment with him. Max and I high fived when we saw them climb into the same car. The car eventually stops and we climb out. Max threads his fingers through mine as we walk to the elevator that takes us straight up to his apartment. I walk to the bedroom and place my heels in the cupboard. I stand up to find max standing behind me. I turn to face him and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. "Can I just say that you looked so handsome tonight. So gorgeous. So hot. Like I can't believe you're my boyfriend. You're mine and you look this good. It's insane." I say, clearly still a little tipsy. "Well I have the most gorgeous, beautiful, stunning and amazing girlfriend in the whole world and I'm so happy that you're mine." He says to me and I smile before pulling his chain so his head moves towards me as I lean up to kiss him. "Now, I remember you said I could take this dress off when we got back." He whispers, his face millimeters from mine, as his hands find the bottom of my dress. "I did, didn't I." I say with a smile as he pulls the dress up and off of my body...


I pull the soft sheets closer as I wake up. I stretch my arm out, trying to find max but the rest of the bed is cold. I'm wide awake and look around for any signs of him. I find a note on the bedside table.

Good morning gorgeous

I went for a run and some training, I'll be back by 11am. There is breakfast in the kitchen.

I love you XX

I smile at the note. He is so adorable. I carefully get out of bed, leaving Jimmy curled up near the bottom of the bed. I decide to throw on one of Max's shirts. It just makes it way past the tops of my thighs. I walk through to the kitchen and find the coffee machine ready to go and a small bakery box sitting in the middle of the table. I open it to find a croissant waiting for me. I make myself a cup of coffee a grab a plate for my croissant before making my way to the balcony. Sassy stretches out on the couch as I sit down and moves to curl up against my legs. I take in the busy harbor and the sounds of cars moving through the city. I slowly sip on my coffee as the hustle and bustle of Monaco moves around me.

Jimmy eventually joined sassy and I on the couch as I continued to read. After a while I hear the elevator ding and I know max is back. "I thought I'd find you out here." He says, walking through the open doors. "Hi, baby. How was your morning?" I ask him as he walks over and places a kiss on my lips. "I'd hug you but you need to shower first." I say jokingly. "Wow. For your information my training went well thanks, before you decided to wound me." He says, placing his hand over his heart like he has been stabbed. "So you'll hug me when I'm sweaty after a race but not now?" He asks. "Yes." I say, turning back to my book. "Ok, I see how it is. I'm also watching you two, very closely." He says, pointing at both of the cats who are curled up against me before walking inside. I roll my eyes at his supposed jealously.

I text Taryn to ask her if she wants to come over and watch a movie together as max told me he is streaming tonight and it will take hours. She took a while to reply but said she would be here soon. I take the elevator down and let her into the building with my key card. I open the door and see a familiar Ferrari pull off down the road. I look at her, questioning. "Girl I have a lot to tell you." She says. "Yes you do." I say, pulling her to the elevator. It feels like the elevator takes forever but we get back in max's apartment. I grab a bottle of wine and two glasses before sitting down on the couch and she looks so excited to tell me. Before she can tell me I ask her. "Is it that you went back with Charles to his apartment last night?" Her jaw dropped. "How did you know?" She asks, sitting down on the couch next to me. "Firstly, I saw you get into his car last night when you left. Secondly, I saw you two dancing last night. Thirdly, he just dropped you off here!" I said with a yell. Then I hear max close the door to his streaming room. "Oh shit." We say together, glancing at Max's door before getting back to the subject on hand. "It was that obvious was it?" She asks, a deep red blush covering her face. "Yeah, but I'm glad. He's good for you and you deserve a good guy who will treat you well. Max said you guys would be a good fit." I say to her. "Aww ok that's really cute." She says, pouring me and herself a glass of wine.

"So tell me what's going on in your relationship. How are you guys going?" She asks. "It's good. It feels like I've known him for years. Well technically I've known him for centuries." I say and Taryn looks confused. I gasp. "Oh my god! Have I not told you?" I ask her, shocked at myself. "Told me what?" She asks. "About the real reason behind this ring?" I ask her, holding up the silver ring on my hand that hasn't left my finger. Taryn shakes her head.

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