Part 4

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Next day:
Yn woke up in her usual time. When she opened her phone, it was filled with lots of mails. When she enquired about it, she found out that she is selected for the interview and scheduled to come tomorrow.
She got shocked and when she said this to her family members, they were more shocked than her.
She got angry when her brother said that he doesn’t believe her.
She showed him the proof, and she know that when he gets shocked, he throws the things which is in his hands. So, Yn quickly took her phone from his hand. Everyone were happy, but Yn was scared because Jin said her about the boss’s character.
Tbh it is the job of every brother to scare the shit out of his sister, her parents scolded him and Yn went to her room in her trembling body.
She cannot back off as her brother said that if the person who is selected for interview doesn’t go to office for interview, then the Jeon Corporations doesn’t spare them. They make their life a living hell which is indeed not true. He was just scaring his sister. Just wwh things!💁‍♂️

Next day:
Yn visited Jeon Corporations with her trembling body and pale face
Receptionist: how do I help you mam?

 Just wwh things!💁‍♂️Next day:
Yn visited Jeon Corporations with her trembling body and pale face
Receptionist: how do I help you mam?

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Yn: I c-came here f-for an i-interview!
Receptionist: aren’t you excited for the interview?
Yn: huh?
Receptionist: I’m sorry. But you look scared!
Yn: indeed, I am!
Receptionist: don’t be scared mam. Are you sure you want to give the interview?
Yn: yes!
Receptionist: okay then, take a lift and go to 10th floor and take left, you will see a cabin there, wait outside till he calls!
Yn: he?
Receptionist: yes mam. Today CEO himself will take the interview
Yn: oh okay
Receptionist: all the best mam!
Yn: [smile] thank you!
[Yn went where the interview was held]

She sat for almost 10mins. There were total 20 applicants and she was the last one. She saw majority of girls having
tons of make-up in their face and revealing clothes. She just wore formal dress and simple makeup as she doesn’t want to show her ghost face. When one by one girls were coming out, everyone were crying and looked full black as their eyeliner got spread. She got more scared, she was only one left there and was about to go from there but fortunately her name was called. She however went inside

???: come in
[she felt the voice somewhat familiar]
???: so miss Yn, have a seat
[he turned around]
Yn: YOU?
???: Miss Yn, this is my office not yours. You can’t raise your voice on me here
Yn: huh?
???: [smirked] I know you are confused. So let me introduce myself. Hello I’m Jeon Jungkook owner of Jeon Corporation aka your Mr. Idiot!!

Yn: oh [stood up from her seat]
???: [confused] did I tell you to stand up?
Yn: I don’t think so you would appoint me as your secretary or take my interview

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Yn: oh [stood up from her seat]
???: [confused] did I tell you to stand up?
Yn: I don’t think so you would appoint me as your secretary or take my interview. So better to go out from here rather than getting embarrassed from you!
???: did I tell you that I’m not gonna take interview? [frowned eyebrows]
Yn: I just assumed it
???: you shouldn’t jump into conclusions so quickly. Sit there
[she followed his orders]
Jungkook was quite impressed from Yn’s answers. Finally, she was accepted as his secretary. She was beyond shocked but scared what if she does any mistake as she is first of all clumsy. She went back home as he said her to join to work from tomorrow. She went home and bragged about her intelligence to her family. Her brother was beyond shocked and however accepted the bitter truth. She is so happy to work into Jeon Corporations without knowing that Jungkook has other plans for her

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