Part 10

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Yn: what happened oppa?
Jin: he went from back door and reporters doesn’t know that he is not at home!
Namjoon: smart he is!
Taehyung: indeed! Yn go to your work!
Yn: okay
[after having breakfast, they drove to their respective works]

Yn pov:
When I was going to my office, my phone rung, it was boss. I immediately picked up!
Yn: yes boss?
Jungkook: come from back door of my office and meet me at my cabin!
Yn: okay
[Yn did as Jungkook said and reached his cabin]

Yn: yes boss?
Jungkook: did you hear the rumors?
Yn: yeah!
Jungkook: now what to do?
Yn: tell them that we are not in relationship and we were talking casually!
Jungkook: for that, you have to face the reporters!
Yn: I’m ready!
Jungkook: hmm okay. Come with me!
Yn: okay

At office entrance:
[as soon as Jungkook and Yn arrived, camera flashes became more]
R1: sir, is that true that you were found yesterday night?
Jungkook: yeah it’s true!
R2: it means you both are dating?
Yn: meeting at a place doesn’t mean that we are dating?!
R3: but it seemed like that!
Yn: even if it seems so, why are you all interested? Sorry to say, but you all can’t invade into other’s personal matters. Because of you all, many celebrities are scared to reveal their relationship and even to hang out. [which is actually true]. I know that it gives you an income, but it doesn’t mean that you can invade into other’s personal matters without their permission!

R1: it means you both are not dating?
Yn: I’m sorry to crush your news, but it’s true. We are not dating and we aren’t in relationship. Meeting in beach doesn’t mean that we are dating. Mr. Jeon was upset about something so I went to meet him there. So, if this is clear then will you all leave?
R4: sorry mam
Yn: make sure to ask the particular person’s consent before highlighting anything in social media
R9: yes!
[all reporters left and she heard clapping sound, she and Jungkook turned back]

Manager: well done mam, you backfired them well!
Yn: someone should do that. They always poke their nose into other’s matters. I’m fed up of it
Jungkook: enough. All of you into your works!
All: yes sir!
Jungkook: Yn, to my cabin!
Yn: yes sir!

In cabin:
Jungkook: thank you Yn!
Yn: hmm. If this is done then can I do my work?
Jungkook: yeah you may!
Yn: thank you sir!
[Yn left the cabin]

Jungkook pov:
Why she is angry? Maybe because of yesterday. Let me call Somi and ask her about it clearly!
Jungkook: hello?
Somi: yes oppa?
Jungkook: how is your headache?
Somi: it’s okay now. Oppa?
Jungkook: hmm?
Somi: the way Yn talked to them was best, my other friends are fan of her!

Jungkook: you know her?
Somi: she is my bestfriend!
Jungkook: what? Then Taehyung?
Somi: he is also my bestfriend! Did you do anything to him oppa? He is not talking with me?
Jungkook: what?
Somi: I guess so you are confused. I, Yn and Taehyung are besties from childhood. You don’t remember Taehyung?
Jungkook: no?

Somi: he is the one who jumped on pond when I cried for my toy which fell in water?
Jungkook: you mean Tae?
Somi: yeah
Jungkook: oh shit!
Somi: yeah shit!
Jungkook: wait. You love him?
Somi: yeah, I mean no-
Jungkook: I got it!
Somi: whatever

Jungkook: but doesn’t he like Yn?
Somi: no. they are just besties!
Jungkook: he kissed her yesterday you know?
Somi: they do it daily when they meet. They were besties before I met them
Jungkook: are you sure that he doesn’t like Yn and likes you?
Somi: I’m sure that he doesn’t like Yn, but I don’t know whether he likes me!
Jungkook: okay then. Bye!
Somi: bye!

Jungkook pov:
I made a mistake by judging them. Let me tell Yn to book an appointment with Taehyung!

Yn pov:
I was doing my work when boss called me!
Yn: hello?
Jungkook: Yn?
Yn: yes?
Jungkook: book an appointment with Kim Taehyung!
Yn: huh?
Jungkook: didn’t you hear?
Yn: I got it. I’ll tell you when he is free shortly!
Jungkook: okay

[What has got into him? Let me call oppa!]
Taehyung: hello?
Yn: Mr. Kim?
Taehyung: yes Miss. Kim?
Yn: Mr. Jeon wants to meet you!
Taehyung: huh?

Yn: you heard it right! He wants to meet you. Tell me when you are free!
Taehyung: I’m on my leave today. I’m eating ramen!
Yn: don’t you dare to eat my ramen!
Taehyung: oops, you are late I already ate it!
Yn: make sure to buy me double of it or else I’ll tell to Joonie oppa!
Taehyung: okay my lady. Didn’t your boss teach you to be professional during working hours?
Yn: shut the fuck up! Bye!
Taehyung: whatever!

[Yn dialed Jungkook]
Yn: Mr. Jeon?
Jungkook: yes?
Yn: Mr. Kim is free today
Jungkook: tell him to meet me after 1 hour!
Yn: okay!

[Yn informed Taehyung to meet Jungkook after 1 hour and he agreed to it]

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