Part 5

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Nex day:
Mom: Yn, wake up. You have to go office today!
Yn: [sleepy] which office?
Mom: you forgot that you gave an interview yesterday and got hired?
Yn: WHAT? What is the time?
Mom: you have only 15mins to get ready
Yn: oh shit I’m doomed
[Yn got ready as fast as possible]

She didn’t have breakfast and went to her office. While she was about to catch bus, she missed it and started to curse. But however, she managed and went to office but she was already 30mins

At office:
Receptionist: mam sir is calling you
Yn: why?
Receptionist: mam you are late today and sir doesn't like if anyone comes late even for a second
Yn: then will I be fired before I join?
Receptionist: depends mam. He is literally angry right now
Yn: oh shit. I'm doomed
Receptionist: all the best mam
Yn: t-thank you!!
(Yn went to Jungkook's office)

Jungkook: come in!
(Yn entered)
Yn: sir actually-
Jungkook: I don't want to listen to any of your excuses. Better start working. This is the last time you are coming late. Did you understand?
Yn: yes sir. I'll keep it in my mind
Jungkook: keeping in your mind is not enough. Use it practically too
Yn: yeah sir [rolling her eyes which fortunately Jungkook didn’t notice]
(Yn left from there to start her work)

Author pov:
Yn successfully settled in her job. Even though she made mistakes, he forgives her. It felt strange to every people in the company. As he didn’t spare anyone, how did he spare her? This question was roaming in their minds. Shrugging it off, they went on doing their work.

After 1 year:
Jungkook: Miss Yn, I want the meeting hall to be perfectly arranged!!
Yn: okay sir
[here, Jungkook is instructing Yn to set the meeting hall as it will be having most important meeting which would decide the excess revenue of the company, if this meeting is finalized, then the company would get profit which is equal to what they usually earn in 3 years. Jungkook doesn’t need any
mistakes, he had ordered the employees, if any single mistake is committed then everyone will suffer]

Meeting time:
Manager: sir, meeting will be held in 5mins
Jungkook: okay, then make sure not to commit any mistakes
Manager: okay sir
Jungkook: where is Yn?
Manager: sir she went to buy something which is required for the meeting
Jungkook: what the hell?
Manager: she informed me that she will be coming fast!
Jungkook: fine
[Jungkook went to the meeting hall]

Meeting time: Manager: sir, meeting will be held in 5mins Jungkook: okay, then make sure not to commit any mistakes Manager: okay sir Jungkook: where is Yn? Manager: sir she went to buy something which is required for the meeting Jungkook: what th...

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Everyone stood up as soon as Jungkook arrived
Jungkook: please have a seat!
Mr. Shin: Mr. Jeon, you may proceed
Jungkook: yes Mr. Shin
[while giving presentation, Jungkook seemed quite disturbed]
Mr. Shin: What happened Mr. Jeon? And where is your secretary? She should have been here!
Jungkook: Mr. Shin that-
Mr. Shin: I already informed you Jeon, everyone should be present, this is not a simple deal, it’s a billion won deal
Jungkook: I’m sorry Mr. Shin
Mr. Shin: I’m sorry but you might think that I'm overreacting but i have already informed that all the higher position employees should be present here. And your secretary being in the highest position, she is nowhere to be found. Sorry to say but i can’t continue the deal with you. First of all, deal with your employees
Jungkook: but-
[Yn entered]
Yn: may-
[she saw clients getting up from their seat and being ready to leave]
Yn: what happened?
Mr. Shin: miss Yn, be punctual to your work everytime
Yn: huh?
[clients left]

Yn: Mr. Jeon-
Jungkook: you are fired
Yn: huh?
Yn: But-
Jungkook: GET OUT!!
[Yn ran from there crying]

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