Part 6

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At home:

Yn came home from office and started crying. Her parents asked her the reason but she didn't even answer and went to her room straightly. Evening her brother came

Jin [to his mom]: mom, why the house is silent? Where is that disaster?

Mom: she is in her room!

Jin: room?

Mom: yeah, she cried and even came early

Jin: okay mom let me see her

Mom: okay. But please you both eat dinner later

Jin: okay

[Jin marched to Yn's room]


Yn: I said I don't want to eat anything

Jin: you will open the door

Yn: I won't

Jin: ifyoudontopenthedoortheniwillbangyourightnowidiotopenthedoorfast... [starts rapping]

[Yn opened the door. Jin entered inside and opened the door]

Jin: what happened why are you crying?

Yn: nothing!

Jin: tell before I rap again!

Yn: my boss fired me!

Jin: who the hell got dare to fire my beautiful princess?

Yn: you admit that I am beautiful? (Pouting crying face)

Jin: no. my tongue slipped!

Yn: idiot!

Jin: now tell me why did he fire you?

Yn: today we had an important meeting I went to bring something from nearby shop before meeting. But when I was heading back, I saw people surrounding at one place, out of curiosity I

went there-

Jin: and you were late for meeting and Jungkook fired you!

Yn: listen to me first!

Jin: sorry go on!

Yn: when I went there, I saw a lady struggling on the ground. She was pregnant and no one were helping her, they looked like they were scared. I couldn't see it and went to help that lady and called ambulance and when they arrived doctors insisted me to come with them as they were even scared. I felt strange and went with them. As she was already due, she delivered twins right away the moment she reached the hospital. I was relieved to see mother and babies being safe, when she gained sense, she asked my name and said that her husband went to attend a meeting and he doesn't know about her delivery. Suddenly it stuck me that I had a meeting. It was worth of company's 3 annual revenues. I bid her and went to office, when I reached there Mr. Shin said that I should be responsible and went from the meeting room angrily. Mr. Jeon shouted on me and fired me!

Jin: Mr. Shin, the mafia king?

Yn: yeah!

Jin: you did a good job. But even Jungkook is right on his place. Did you try to explain him for the delay?

Yn: no

Jin: then he would definitely fire you as meeting was worth billion won

Yn: yeah!

Jin: now come, let's eat dinner. If you are fired then I have a job for you!

Yn: what it is?

Jin: our janitor is out for 1 week, if you want, you can apply for it! [teasing her]

Yn: hate you oppa! (Angry pout)

Jin [laughing]: just joking. Come let's eat [pecked her forehead]

Yn: lobe you oppa!

Jin: lobe you too!

Next day:

[In Yn's room]


Yn: hello?

??: Miss Yn?

Yn: yes?

??: Mr. Jeon called you office today!

Yn: I'm sorry to say, you might be mistaken, he fired me yesterday!

??: yes mam we know that but, he called you today

Yn: hmm okay I will be there!

In dining room:

Mom: where are you going Yn?
Yn: mom, Mr. Jeon called me today!

Mom: why?

Yn: I don't know mom, I'm anyways late, meet you later!

Mom: okay

[Yn drove to Jungkook's office]


Jungkook: come in!

Yn: Mr. Jeon you called me?

Jungkook: yeah. Sit here!

[after sitting]

Yn: yes sir?

Jungkook: actually, I want you ask your forgiveness!

Yn: why?

Jungkook: I'm sorry for humiliating you yesterday. I didn't mean to do it. I lost my mind as I had a chance of getting into huge loss

Yn: huh?

Jungkook: actually, Mr. Shin is not a businessman only, but he is a Mafia King of our country!

Yn: Mafia King? Yeah I know that!

Jungkook: yeah. But he works for the country I mean police. He is not involved in any illegal works. But if we mess with him or humiliate him indirectly, then he removes that person's existence from this world

Yn: then I'm so sorry sir, because of me-

Jungkook: it's okay. I overreacted yesterday. I'm sorry for my deeds!

Yn: no sir, it's not your fault

Jungkook: will you please join again?

Yn: I need time sir

Jungkook: okay take your time, but please answer before 2 days, I'm getting difficulties in my work

Yn: okay sir

[Jungkook got a call]

Jungkook: hold a second-

Yn: okay

[on call]

Jungkook: hello?

??: ..................
Jungkook: what?

??: ..................

Jungkook: okay let him come to my cabin!

[hung up]

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