Part 12

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[They reached Yn’s house]
Yn: bye sir!
Jungkook: bye
[he drove off from there]

[Yn went inside house and started to shout Taehyung’s name]
[by listening to it, except Taehyung, Jin and Namjoon came downstairs]
Jin: are you planning to make us deaf?
Yn: no. but Tae is gonna become deaf today
Namjoon: huh?

Yn: Taehyung come down!
Taehyung: why are you shouting piggy?
Yn: Somi is gonna get married soon!
Taehyung: what? It’s with me right?
Yn: no, not you!
Taehyung: WHAT?

Jin: you idiots are planning to make us deaf or what?
Taehyung: sorry hyung! Yn what are you saying?
Yn: you heard it right. Somi is gonna get married. Her parents thought of marrying her to their business partner’s son!
Taehyung: this not gonna happen!
Yn: yeah, you rule the world right! [disbelief]
Namjoon: what is happening here?
Jin: Taehyung loves Jungkook’s sister, and she is gonna marry to her parent’s business partner’s son

Namjoon: oh. Did he confess his love to her?
Yn: no
Namjoon: then suffer. Propose her when she gets married
Taehyung: hyung instead of supporting me you are discouraging me!
Namjoon: then what we can do?
Yn: when I said him to propose her, he said that he is shy. Now suffer!
Jin: Taehyung!
Taehyung: yes hyung?
Jin: say your feelings to her tomorrow, don’t wait till last
Taehyung: okay hyung
Yn: let’s sleep
Namjoon: you had your food?
Yn: yeah
Namjoon: okay then. Good night
All [except Namjoon]: Good night

Next day:
In Jungkook’s cabin:
Jungkook: come in!
Yn: sir?
Jungkook: yes?
Yn: here your coffee [handed him coffee]
Jungkook: thank you. By the way, Somi got to know about the marriage proposal!
Yn: what?
Jungkook: yeah. She said she is not gonna marry him
Yn: Taehyung is gonna propose her today
Jungkook: well that’s good!
Yn: yeah

After 2 hours:
[Jungkook had a meeting which was a successful one. He was happy but soon got vanished]
Yn: sir!
Jungkook: what?
Yn: They both accepted their love for each other, but now the problem is your parents are not accepting the relation and even Taehyung got a marriage proposal from his parents
Jungkook: shit! Wait I’ll call eomma
Yn: okay
[Jungkook dialed his mother and put it on speaker]

Jungkook: hello eomma?
Mrs. Jeon: don’t call me eomma?
Jungkook: okay then Mrs. Jeon?
Mrs. Jeon: you punk, reach home once! Why you didn’t tell that Somi loves a guy?
Jungkook: I got to know yesterday, please reject that marriage proposal!
Mrs. Jeon: I can’t now, they cancelled their holidays to meet Somi!
Jungkook: but eomma-

Mrs. Jeon: talk with your appa if you want!
Jungkook: no!
Mrs. Jeon: okay then bye. They are coming today, we are gonna meet them tomorrow. Be ready or else face your appa
Jungkook: fine!
[call hung up]

Yn: now?
Jungkook: we don’t have any other option. We have to meet them and tell directly to them tomorrow
Yn: even Taehyung’s marriage proposal is tomorrow. They are coming tomorrow to his house!
Jungkook: things are going out of our head! [frustratedly brushing his hair through his fingers]
Yn: we have to see what happens tomorrow!
Jungkook: yeah!

At night [Jungkook’s house]
Somi: come in!
Jungkook: Somi?
Somi: oppa! [crying and hugging him]
Jungkook: sush Somi. Don’t cry!
Somi: how can I oppa? He is going to marry other person and even me!
Jungkook: don’t worry. Your brother is here, I’ll handle everything!
Somi: please oppa, I love Taehyung!
Jungkook: I know princess. I’ll take care. I and Yn will find out the way
Somi: I trust you oppa
Jungkook: now sleep hmm?
Somi: okay

On other side Yn’s house:
Yn: Jin oppa where is Taehyung?
Jin: he is in room!
Yn: I’ll meet him
Namjoon: don’t go, he is asleep. He cried a lot. Let him take rest!
Yn: okay
Namjoon: Eomma and appa are resting in room. Meet them tomorrow!
Yn: okay. Good night
Jin and Namjoon: Good night!

Next day:
??: Yn?
Yn: appa, how are you?
Mr. Kim: good dear, come let’s have breakfast!
Yn: okay. Where is eomma?
Mr. Kim: she went to wake up her child
Yn: boy or girl?
Mr. Kim: huh?
Yn: Eomma gave birth to a child?
Mr. Kim: what?

Yn: no I mean, you both went to honeymoon a long months back, so I asked- ahh!
Mrs. Kim: you think you will get another sibling ha? [holding Yn’s ear]
Yn: eomma I was just joking
Mrs. Kim: better be! [left her ear]

Yn: it hurts [fake crying]
Mr. Kim: now be serious. Taehyung’s soon to be wife is coming home with her parents after 3 hours. Help your eomma with the arrangements along with Jin
Yn: but appa you know that Taehyung loves Somi!
Mr. Kim: you were late telling us that. We can’t do anything. Let them come, we will discuss it later
Yn: okay

Author pov:
Atmosphere at Jungkook and Yn’s house were horrible. Their parents were happy whereas their childrens were tensed especially Taehyung and Somi. They accepted their fate and got ready to see their future life partner’s face!

Mr. Jeon: are all ready?
All: yes!
Mr. Jeon: Somi I want you to be happy there not put a crying face
Somi: okay appa!
Mr. Jeon: let’s go!
Somi: okay!

In Yn’s house:
Namjoon: I’m sorry hyung!
Mr. Kim: what happened?
Jin: he is cutting carrots from past one hour!

 Kim: what happened?Jin: he is cutting carrots from past one hour!

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Mrs. Kim: aish you both, get out from kitchen. I’ll do everything here
Jin: okay [pouting]

Taehyung’s room:
All siblings gathered in one room
Jin: I have a plan!
Namjoon: what?
[he said his plan]
Yn: do you think this will work?
Jin: do you have any other plan you brat?
Yn: no!
Namjoon: but-
[they heard a car horn]
Yn: let’s execute our mission

Taehyung: I hope they won’t create more problem! [mumbling]

Author pov:
Girl along with her parents arrived at home
Mrs. Kim: hello bestie come in!
??: yeah!
[they all got seated]
??: where is the boy?
Mrs. Kim: wait. I’ll call him!
[suddenly Jin came downstairs]

Jin: sorry to say aunty, Taehyung likes other girl!
??: huh?
Jin: she likes Jeon Somi! Wait-
[Jin got shocked and ran upstairs]
Mr. Kim: Jin got best shock of his life!
??: yeah [laughing]

Jin: GUYS!!
[he came inside Taehyung’s room panicking]
Yn: what happened?
Jin: huge disaster came in!
Taehyung: I knew you would do horrible things in my life! [regretting being born as his brother]

Jin: GUYS!![he came inside Taehyung’s room panicking] Yn: what happened?Jin: huge disaster came in!Taehyung: I knew you would do horrible things in my life! [regretting being born as his brother]

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Jin: what do you mean you piece of shit-

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