Part 1 - Unreal

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Author's Note: Yeah, I could've written this out into a massive, multi-chapter plot, but... didn't really wanna? XD So behold, a 5+1 thingy featuring how Rex + feathers = bad news for Sidious, and the one time it's very bad news. =D xD Or, the 5 times Rex nearly blows Sidious's plans, and the one time he good and truly does.

~ Rivana Rita

PS. This is for the square "Proposals" on the 501st Bingo. And it's also for Day 9 of Haunted Clone Week. ^-^

~ Amina Gila

Only Jedi or Force-sensitives have wings. Rex had always known that, and he never thought it would be any other way. That changed when he, his General, and his Commander go to Mortis. Rex changes there, becoming one of them in some inconceivable way, but the chaos and oddities in his life aren't about to end there.

The first thing Rex realizes is that he doesn't remember how he got here.

Basically, he doesn't realize anything at all.

And that is not normal.

All he does know is that the air is fresh, the sky is bright, and something deep inside himself feels too peaceful to be real, and it makes his armor and blasters feel glaringly out of place. This feels like a place without war, without him – somewhere that clones don't belong.

"Rex?!" The first voice is Anakin. His General.

"Rex!" The kid. Their kid.

"Hey." He blinks a few times, looking up at the blurry form of his General hovering over him. "You okay?"

Rex groans faintly, hand lifting instinctively towards his head, only to smack into his helmet instead. He must be really out of it to forget he was wearing it. Something is wrong. He feels wrong. "I don't know, sir. Where am I?"

"I have no idea." His General looks as confused as Rex himself is. Maybe it's not so odd that he doesn't know what's happening, after all.

Ahsoka appears at Anakin's side, standing, wings mostly unfolded behind her. Her feathers start blue in the center but fade to white as they branch out. When he first saw her, he found her wings as intriguing as the rest of her – she's a Togruta, and Rex had never seen her species before. Her wings are small, not grown out and graceful in the way his General's are. She can't fly as well, but they serve her for short distances.

"What's going on?" He pushes himself upright, and Anakin shifts back to give him room.

"Remember the coordinates we were supposed to rendezvous at?" Anakin queries, and Rex nods warily. "We're there."

"We never landed," Rex objects, looking around, confused. It looks too... peaceful. There are giant rocks floating mid-air, covered with grass like they're part of the ground, except there's nothing supporting them. It's unnatural, and unnerving.

"Yeah," Ahsoka agrees warily, "We have no idea. You don't even have a ship here."

"What?" Rex asks, half squeaks, and turns around to check.

The only ship in sight was the Twilight that his General had taken. Nothing's here now. Rex was just on the Star Destroyer, and now he's here. It's like a memory lapse, just minus the injury, and Rex already feels all kinds of wrong about this.

His General suddenly freezes, jolting upright. His light gold wings shift, the rustling sounding louder than the breeze blowing through the trees. "Did you hear that?"

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