Part 4 (2) - Misplaced

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I genuinely have no idea what I wrote, but I hope you like it as much as I do! :D xD

~ Rivana Rita

Crosshair's wings somehow make his hopelessly criminal lack of hair stick out even more, and – Hunter misses it.

It's so hard to see Crosshair again. He's so different.



How could Crosshair let her call him that? He's so sharp and fiery. Does she even give him a choice? He didn't seem to resent it. How could they be friends? He's one of the sharpest, most disagreeable people Hunter's ever known, or – or maybe it's just that Crosshair is happier away. He has no idea.

How could he care about Emerie when he wasn't willing to give anything for his own brothers, the ones who he grew up with?

What is she to him?

Has Crosshair changed so much, or is Emerie just special?

She's – important to Crosshair. She means something to him that Hunter never has and never will. How could he let Emerie call him that and not Hunter? They're brothers. Shouldn't that be more important than a friend? (It was the same way with Omega. With Phee. And many others.)

He shouldn't feel like this. Shouldn't be thinking about it – there's not time to get all broody and depressed about nothing. Hunter already knows he doesn't mean anything to Crosshair, and thinking about it will make it worse. It's fine. It doesn't matter how much he wants someone. He's just being selfish, and he's gonna get them hurt worse than they already have been if he keeps brooding like this. If there's one thing he's good at, it's being thoroughly useless.

Hunter's never going to be what they need him as.

Or what they want him to be.

He can't stop trying, not even for Crosshair, and if he does, he'll have nothing. Be nothing. Crosshair's the only one here. The only one Hunter can focus on, even if he's terrified of what'll happen next. Trying to be so close to him is hard, and Hunter keeps expecting him to attempt strangling him or something otherwise violent. Crosshair hasn't lashed out yet, though. Being stuck in the same cell as a body would probably be annoying – not that Hunter can die, anyhow.

Hunter doesn't know how long it's been. Time is dragging into infinity, but at least their cell has half a 'fresher? Crosshair says the sonic is somewhere on some other floor, because the Empire is Very Nice and Considerate of Hunter's hypersensitive smell issues.

He still smells blood and does not want to know what the wound on his chest looks like. Hasn't looked. Doesn't wanna know. Crosshair's careful not to touch it, even when he's being clingy. That's good, because contact would probably be about enough to make him cry right now.

It still hurts. Burns. Every second of it is agony.

There's a hole in his chest, and it never stops hurting.

Crosshair finally drops from exhaustion, curled up in Hunter's lap. Hunter's arm is around his waist, holding him tightly against his stomach so he doesn't fall and smash his wing on the floor. They're overwhelmingly hypersensitive.

Hunter doesn't remember sleeping. Trying to sleep by Crosshair is impossible, but there's no getting out, and all he can think is the where are Wrecker and Omega what happened to Tech ringing in his head.

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