Chapter 3. Benefits

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There is non-explicit sexual content throughout this chapter. Please do not read any further if you're sensitive to that topic.

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"You what?"

"God, I just ruined the mood, didn't I?" Minho flops down on the bed next to Jisung, hands finding his face almost immediately after, feeling Jisung turn towards him.

"No, wait-" Jisung sighs, struggling to compose his thoughts. It wasn't that hard to believe, but from what he knew, Seungmin always referred to his ex as an asshole. Minho didn't seem like an asshole, he was kind and affectionate. Maybe it was all a mask just to get himself laid, but Jisung couldn't convince himself of that belief. "H-he didn't tell me that."

"How long have you guys been friends?" Minho turns to look at Jisung the moment his hands fall back to his stomach, fingers pulling his shirt closed as he toys with the buttons on his shirt between the pads of his thumb and pointer finger.

"A long time. Probably like, I dunno, eight years? Something like that?"

"Are you guys close?"

"Well, the three of us are all really good friends." Jisung's eyes blink down to catch a glimpse of Minho re-buttoning his shirt and his hand raises to smack away the elder's hands preventatively. "I just hardly see them anymore and it sucks."

"Is there a reason for that?" Minho doesn't mention Jisung's swatting hand and instead pauses his will to redress himself.

"I'm just busy all the time. I make myself busy to keep myself afloat. Producing isn't exactly a booming business for no-names, so I work every hour that I'm awake."

"Sounds unhealthy," Minho mutters and Jisung doesn't bother to react. Jisung knew his habits were extremely unhealthy and not for everyone, but it worked best the way it was. He avoided sleep and caffeinated his mind instead, working through rough patches of the evening until he reached a mental slump and forced himself to sleep, only to rise a few hours later to barely eat and keep working.

"But it makes money-" Jisung cuts himself off once he realizes that Minho is quietly laughing at him, and his eyes narrow jokingly. "What's so funny?"

"You're ridiculous. And I'm drunk." Minho breathes, turning his gaze towards the younger with reddened eyes. "Are you going to be busy tomorrow?"

Minho watches Jisung's brows furrow, eyes narrowing for a second, stuck in a thought that only Jisung would ever keep to himself as he listens to Minho's teasing tone. "Why?"

"Well, if you're gonna be busy and want to work tomorrow, then I can leave. We don't have to fuck around."

"I can make myself free for you," Jisung's hand shyly reaches over to land on Minho's exposed stomach to catch the elder by surprise.

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