Chapter 14. Healing

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Jisung can't breathe.

He's sitting across from Minho, hand tangled with his, eyes leaking with shed tears that wouldn't stop falling. Minho had leaned backwards, eyes gazing at him adoringly, waiting for Jisung's next words. Jisung can't help but sit there, mind stuck on the admittance of four words strung together that made his heart melt. Minho loved him, too.

"I–" Jisung hesitates, hand gripping onto Minho's tighter. "I think I need to hear you say it. Again."

Minho leans a little closer, as best as he could with how he was sitting, eyes lowering to focus on Jisung's lips. "I love you too, Jisung."

Jisung's stomach does a front flip. "Again."

Minho leans closer, body slightly tilted, pressing a soft kiss on Jisung's left cheek. "I love you, Hannie."

"Mhm, that was a new nickname." Jisung bites his lower lip. "Again."

Minho gives in with a playful breath, kissing his right cheek. "I love you."

"One more time–" Jisung teases, leaning closer until his lips brush against Minho's. "I don't think I heard you."

Minho's eyes flick downwards, nose gently bumping into Jisung's. "I love you, Han Jisung."

Jisung gives in, slotting their lips together chastely, pressing kiss after kiss to Minho's lips, breathing in his air, hands rising to hold Minho by his jaw tenderly.

"Mhm, so you heard me that time?" Minho asks between kisses, feeling Jisung smile against him.

"I just–" Jisung kisses him again. "Couldn't believe that you said it back."

"I said it to you before, Jisung." Minho says quietly, his left thumb reaching to drag across the younger's bottom lip. "Why would you think that I wouldn't say it back?"

"You fell out of love with Seungmin–" Jisung breathes quietly, heart thumping against his chest. "I thought that you might've fallen out of love with me."

"Not even for a second." Minho corrects, pressing another kiss to Jisung's lips. "Do you want me to say it again?"

"It might help if you did." Jisung smiles, pulling Minho closer.

"Okay," Minho brushes his top lip over Jisung's bottom lip, voice a hushed murmur. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jisung kisses him, slowly inching closer, nearly unable to withstand the distance placed between them. Minho carefully moves his elevated leg off of the coffee table, bending at the knee, now able to lean closer to Jisung before the younger pulls apart from him.

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