Chapter 18. Deceit

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Minho wakes just after the sun rises. Soonie had walked into the bedroom and decided to start pawing at his chest, begging for food with subtle purrs that weren't loud enough to wake Jisung. Minho, as any doting father would, begrudgingly gets up and treks into the kitchen after barely remembering to turn some of the lights on.

Dori and Soonie both jump onto the kitchen island counter, patiently watching as Minho gathers three wet food cans from a cabinet, setting them down on the counter as he walks away to grab their bowls. He soon returns, rinsing each of the bowls in warm water before drying them, placing them down on the island where the cats linger like hungry sharks.

"You've gotta wait." Minho's voice is groggy and firm as he eyes Dori specifically, knowing that Dori was the 'hog' of the group, hoping to instill some needed patience within the feline.

Dori just eyes him curiously, eyes big and focused on the can that Minho begins opening, pouring its contents into the rounded dish, following the same pattern of movements two more times before carrying all three dishes towards the placemat to the left, setting them down one by one. All three cats come running, Doongie appearing from seemingly nowhere as he rushes between Minho's legs with a purr. Minho sighs, watching his cats eating happily, eyes gazing upwards towards his windows and lingering there. His mind was fairly blank for the early morning, which was surprising considering the events and conversations held last night, but he shrugs it off as nothing.

He decides that he's hungry enough to stay awake, so he rustles about in the kitchen again, taking eggs out of the fridge and a can of spam from a cabinet, hoping that it would be enough to kickstart his system. He wasn't completely sure if Jisung was still asleep or not, but he decided to let him sleep in the event that he needed more rest.

Minho turns on the burner beneath the pan he had set onto the stove, grabbing out six eggs and setting them aside for now. He places a small amount of butter in the bottom of the pan, letting it melt before beginning to crack each egg open and into the pan. He wasn't completely decided on if he wanted his eggs scrambled or not, but considering how sleepy he still was, he couldn't be fucked to care worrying about cracking open his yolks. So, he scrambles them almost instantly.

He opens the can of spam and cuts it into small pieces before dumping it into the eggs, listening to the pan sizzle as he adds the meat. He decides it needs more, so he adds seasonings that he finds in his cabinet, pulling the pan free from the heat of the burner once he declares the meal as cooked.

"You're up early," Jisung says groggily as he walks into the kitchen, likely awake from the smell of cooked eggs.

"The cats woke me up." Minho muffles a yawn, turning off the burner and turning to face Jisung, a sleepy smile curling on his lips as the younger continues his approach, melting into Minho's chest. "Sleep okay?"

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