Chapter 15. Ghost

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There is a lot of non-explicit sexual content in this chapter, along with confrontation. Please avoid reading any further if these topics are sensitive to you.

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"Okay–" Jisung breathes, hand nearly glued to his computer mouse, the other gripping onto the bottom of his hoodie nervously. "Three, two. . . one!"

Jisung presses the button on his mouse, watching another window pop open on his computer above the one he had been staring at for the past twenty minutes. "That's it! It's uploaded. Now, we just wait."

"I'm proud of you," Minho hums as he stands behind him, arms reaching to drape around his shoulders and dangle in front of his chest. He pressed two warm kisses against Jisung's temple, feeling Jisung's hand that was once on his mouse drift upwards to grab onto his wrist.

"That was a lot of work." Jisung sighs, relief flooding his chest. "I can't believe that I started this song in March and I'm only now releasing it in October."

Jisung had spent the last couple of weeks finishing Want So Bad with urgency, receiving a threatening text from his landlord only a couple of days ago with the assurance that if Jisung didn't move his stuff out, a company would do it for him and put it all in a landfill.

Minho was back to work too, leaving Jisung alone in the apartment for hours at a time without distraction, finally able to work independently and unbothered, making significant progress on the track almost everyday.

Minho did agree to sing the song with Jisung, which took some practice and some reassurance, but ended up working well through the entire track. Jisung was impressed about Minho's vocal range throughout the process of recording, encouraging him to sing with his full voice, which Minho so graciously offered anyway.

Jisung spent so much time editing and composing, making sure that everything sounded perfect before letting Minho listen to it himself, which had the elder turning into a flustered, and almost crying, mess. Jisung would ask him what's wrong, and Minho would just shake his head and tell him how much he loves him.

Ever since their meeting with Hyunjin and Felix, the two have avoided contact with almost everyone. Chris called at least three times a week to check in on Minho, but they hardly ever discussed Seungmin. Felix stayed in contact with Jisung about his progress with his new music, only because Jisung couldn't contain his excitement about finally releasing a new song that he deemed as incredible. Call him biased, but he was truly impressed with himself.

Jisung called Felix earlier this morning, talking about how he was releasing the track just before midnight, but didn't bother to mention that Minho was featured in said love song.

Now, Jisung and Minho sit within Jisung's nearly empty apartment at his desk, watching the computer monitors with relief and excitement. They had snuck in almost two hours ago, trying to avoid the eyes of Jisung's landlord just so they could upload the file properly on Jisung's full set up rather than on his laptop.

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