Chapter 12. Wounded

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There is a few scenes written in a hospital setting, as well as minor detail about an injury within this chapter. Please avoid reading any further if you are sensitive to either of those topics.

 Please avoid reading any further if you are sensitive to either of those topics

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Three miserable weeks pass.

Minho went home with Chris the following morning, silent with his headphones in, trying to drown the heart ache with the soothing sensation of blasting music. Chris only ever bothered him to ask if he was hungry or needed anything before they got onto their plane, and Minho said no.

The moment he reached his apartment, he set his belongings down, greeted his cats with a tired expression, petting each of them before picking Dori up and holding him to his chest, muttering words of sadness into his fur. He knew his cats couldn't understand him, but it somehow felt like they were the only ones who ever could understand.

Minho takes a leave of absence from his bartending job, only working a midnight shift on Mondays to keep himself occupied while looking for another job. Even though he and Jisung were never truly a thing per say, it felt like a break up nonetheless.

Jisung loved him. Minho loved him, too. But it wasn't enough. Seungmin's love for him wasn't enough, either. Minho just assumes that he isn't meant for love and is undeserving, spiraling him into depressive thoughts that would consume him for weeks at a time.

The end of fall was coming and winter was knocking at his door, leaving the apartment colder than normal. Minho didn't mind the cold, sometimes he found it oddly comforting. Watching frost crawl on the edge of his windows as snow fell from hazy clouds, dusting the streets in a subtle blanket as cars carefully trek past with a lonely heart. Minho finds solace in gloomy weather, breathing in comforting air that only he seems to understand, wondering why most people hated colder weather to begin with.

Maybe that was just because he felt cold, too.

About a week ago, Minho applied for a job at a dance studio, using his degree as leverage to start as a teacher for a pre-teen class in hip-hop styled dance. His application was accepted the day of, and he started the following day, watching another instructor teach a class before attempting to teach his own, finally falling into the swing of things when he starts his own lessons and begins teaching a group of ten.

Minho didn't necessarily hate his job as a bartender, but now that he had associated feelings with a specific break room and a specific person, he found himself too busy getting caught up in emotions, and he decided that he needed a break from the place that held too many memories.

He hasn't heard from Jisung in the three weeks that followed their split, constantly thinking about the words that Jisung spewed at him in a moment of anger. Minho wasn't sure if he actually meant the things he said or not, but he never bothered to reach out and ask.

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