Chapter 8 - Our Life Now

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Days passed, not a word. Weeks passed, not a word. How long and no words? I don't know. But I hate it.

I can still feel them, I switch appearances but my personality stays the same. It's crazy how dependent I became on them.

I was currently swinging my legs as I stared down at the moving world below. The numbness was really getting to my head. If I didn't feel numbness I would feel this weird weigh in my chest what would just make everything hurt, and itch.

Every time I looked in the mirror and saw my own face. Not Yang's, not Yin's, not Yin-Yang, or Yang-Yin but my own mortal face I couldn't help but see the imperfections.

My freckles look disgusting as if I just splashed my face with mud.

My green eyes were gross, they were like toxicity and waste. Just garbage, useless pointless garbage.

My curly untamable hair was also weird, different a stand out. Saying hey, look out how gross and greasy I make him look! Like he hasn't showered in months! And the dark green hair, ugh. I just hate it.

Hate it all.

No wonder my parents hated me. I was just so blind to it before. But now I can see it clearly.

"Hey kid, what are you doing."

"Do-un't ca-ull me-eh a k-k-kid-err.".   (Translation: Don't call me a kid.) I rolled my eyes at him not really feeling like a game of cat and mouse.

"Then what should I call you an old man" Aizawa responded with a slight smile. Why is he smiling like that? Like I did something good...

"U-rrrr-gh, now-ow you're ju-st-ust making me-me-me sound-nnnd o-ld." (Trans: Ugh, now you're just making me sound old) I winced as I felt a sharp stab in my side. Did that go away no. Will it? Idk.

"Well how would I know."

"Yo-uuu w-oon't, a-nnd w-oon't eee-ver kkk-now!" (Trans: You won't, and won't ever know!)

"How can you be sure"

"Cuz-zzzz-z I a-mm am." I was now genuinely smiling, this was funny. (Trans: Cuz I am.)

"I swear, you act more like a teen than an adult," Aizawa proceeded to roll his eyes at me.

"Why-hy? Cuz-zzzz-z you have-have-ave a-a-a kid your-our-self-elf. Or are you talking-alking ab-out your new-ew clas-s." (Trans: Why? Cuz you have a kid yourself. Or are you talking about your new class)

"How do you know about them," Eraserhead suddenly became highly alert, he looked at me his gaze darting around my black helmet.

I shrugged in response. "S-ame way-ay I-I-I know your losing-sing h-ope and plan-ing-ng to call Izu-ku-zuzu- Yagi-bastards-'s case a suicide." (Trans: Same way I know your losing hope and planing to call Izuku Yagi's case a suicide.)

He went stiffer, his gaze darting away. "H-How did you know?"

"Re-all-ie? Did-id you not he-ar-arrr wh-at I-I-I just said-id?" (Trans: Really? Did you not hear what I just said?) I got annoyed, the chest feeling came back as well.

"Well yes-"

"Kool," I launched my grappling hook letting it carry me away to another day.

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