Chapter 1

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He knew he was wrong for what he was about to do. She was a villain, and he was a hero. But looking at Killer Frost, he couldn't help but see Caitlin Snow. She was even more beautiful than Killer Frost if that was possible.

"And why should I tell you where Zoom's lair is?" Killer Frost was saying, "He'll kill me,"

"We'll take you with us back to Earth one," Barry answered; he was hoping she'd say yes.

"What?" Cisco exclaimed, "Barry, are you sure?"

Harry, on the other hand, wasn't impressed," Allen, you can't be serious; she is a murderer,"

"Look, give her a chance. She can change for the good," Barry rebutted.

"People don't change!" Harry shouted harshly.

"Cute," Killer Frost commented with a smirk, "Hoping to reform me, Flash? To get me to change my ways?"

"Anyone can change," Barry answered her, "You just have to be willing to try, you can get a fresh start with us,"

Killer Frost was mulling things over in her head. If she told them where the lair was. Zoom would surely kill her. If she went with them, he would also kill her. But then again, he did kill the only person she ever loved. 

Looking at the Scarlet Speedster, it was clear to her that he was infatuated with her. Why? She didn't know or care; he would be pathetically easy to manipulate. It didn't hurt that he was easy on the eyes, too—quite good-looking, in fact. She smirked; this was going to be fun.

"Say I go with you. What then?" Killer Frost questioned.

Barry smiled, "You join our team and help us stop Zoom,"

At this point, Harry reached his boiling point, whipped Barry around, and grabbed his collar

 "Have you lost your mind! She will turn on you the first moment she gets!" He was holding his gun too close to Barry's chest for Barry's comfort.

Barry pushed the Earth 2 Wells off him, "She can help us take him down. She has Ice powers! Every speedster weakness,"

"Barry, man, I know she looks like Caitlin, but that's not Caitlin," Cisco said.

"I know who she is," Barry said angrily, "We're wasting time,"

He looked at Killer Frost sharply, "You in or not?"

Killer Frost smirked, "Let's give it a whirl,"

"If she kills us, I'm blaming you, Allen," Harry said, irritated.

Barry looked at Cisco, who shrugged and said," I hope you know what you're doing, man,"

Killer Frost led the trio to Zoom's lair, and she looked around nervously. If they were caught, she was dead. "Let's grab her and go!"

It didn't take long for them to grab Jesse and leave, and making it back to S.T.A.R Labs was a cakewalk. It was too easy, way too easy, and at this point, she got even more nervous as they were in front of a giant breach.

A flash of blue lightning illuminated the room. "Where do you think you are going?" Zoom said in his demonic voice. 

"GO!' Wells shouted urgently.

Barry grabbed all of them and ran them through the breach with Zoom on his tail, they popped through the breach spilling them on the floor.

"CLOSE IT!!" Barry shouted as he scrambled to his feet, panic gripping his heart. He faced the breach and got into a fighting stance.

From the corner of his eyes, he watched as Jay threw the breach implosion reactor into the breach, closing it. He then stood in front of where it used to be and smiled at the team.

"You!" Killer Frost shouted; she couldn't believe it. A time remnant of Zoom was here on this Earth.

'Jay's' eyes widened when he looked at Killer Frost, and before he could say anything. Killer Frost watched as the breach reopened, and an arm speared through the time remnant's chest and pulled him in.

"NO!" Caitlin shouted, tears spilling from her eyes.

Barry looked at the spot where Jay was feeling devastated. Another person died on his watch and it left him feeling hollow inside. What kind of friend would he be if he couldn't keep his closest friends alive and well?

"Well, welcome to Earth one Frost," Barry said dully. I'll show you where you can sleep and change if you want."

That drew a lot of looks from the rest of Team Flash as they realized she was there. Caitlin stared in shock at her. They looked so similar they could pass for twins.

"You look just-" Caitlin started.

"Me?" Killer Frost finished with a smirk, "Well, hello, doppelganger me," 

Caitlin took a few steps back and got behind Joe slightly. This was all too much for her. First, her crush dies before her, and then her doppelganger comes to this earth.

On the other hand, Joe was looking at Barry, "Why is she here?"

Barry smiled reassuringly or, at last, trying to say, "She is going to help us stop Zoom,"

Harry glared at him," Allen, we closed the breach. Keep it that way," Turning to Caitlin with one arm around his daughter, "Snow, if you could get my daughter checked out?"

A mortified Caitlin nodded quickly and walked out with Harry and Jesse.

"This better not come back and bite us in the ass, Barry," Cisco said warningly, "If you don't mind, I'm going home," 

Joe looked as confused as ever, "Cared to explain what happened over there?"

"I'll fill you in later," Barry answered, "Come on, Frost, I will show you your quarters," 

With that, the two also walked out of the Breach Room, with Joe bringing them up to the rear. Joe thought this was going to be interesting.

Edited 6/21/24

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