Chapter 2

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Barry was sitting in the Cortex, thinking about what happened on Earth Two. He had just left a lot of people trapped with Zoom, and that didn't sit right with him. He had tried unsuccessfully to pick Harry's brain over the matter but was shot down by the man.

He just needed to go faster. If he could, he knew in his soul he could take on Zoom once and for all. A terrible idea formed in his head, but he could dwell on that later.

"So," Caitlin said, coming into the Cortex, "Harry, told me about what happened on Earth 2. He said you insisted that my evil double come here,"

"Yeah, I think we can help her," Barry said.

"Are you sure this hasn't got anything to do with what happened between us?" Caitlin asked suspiciously, watching Barry closer.

"What? Of course not," Barry scoffed; he really didn't want to get into this.

Caitlin's eyes softened, "Barry, I know that you're hurting because I didn't return your feelings, but you can't use a doppelgänger of me as a rebound,"

"That's not what I'm doing, Caitlin!" Barry exclaimed, "I can help her know I can,"

However, that wasn't the whole truth. Barry was crushing on Killer Frost a little. If he could just convince her that she is a good person, maybe he could start something with her.

"You're in denial, Barry," Caitlin replied, "Just stop before you get hurt; from what Harry says she is a monster, nothing more,"

"There's a good person under all the ice, Caitlin, if Earth 2 Caitlin is anything like you. Then that's all I need,"

"Well, I can see you've already made your mind up, and there's no talking you out of this nonsense," Caitlin said as she stood up, "If you will excuse me, "

"Caitlin," Barry called out, "I'm sorry about Jay,"

She turned around, her eyes and face darkened as tears started to form," You, of all people, should know that saying sorry doesn't cut it,"

And with that, she was gone. Barry sighed as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Love was a pain in the ass for him. Every time he got into a relationship, it was doomed to fail. First, Linda, Then Patty, and Caitlin, who let him down easily, telling him he was a brother to her.

Getting up, he flashed out of the room to Joe's house. He really needed someone to talk to and drink with.

Killer Frost was hiding a little bit down the hallway when she heard the conversation between her doppelgänger and the Flash. It was really quite amusing. So, her suspicions were true. The Scarlet Speedster had a crush on this version of Caitlin Snow. She smirked; she could definitely use this to her advantage.

She quickly walked into the room and began to access the computers there.  There were no passwords for the computers, which was strange. If they fight villains, why did their security suck? Although Frost wasn't complaining, it was working out fine for her.

She was browsing through an online blog about the Flash from Iris West.  She wasn't a cop on this earth then, but a measly reporter.  Good, Iris West-Allen was a force to be reckoned with on Frost's Earth.

She wouldn't pose a problem for her here. Among other online articles, it looks like The Flash was a symbol of hope for the city and had no problem keeping them safe.  That eased one of her worries: Zoom would have a hard time from him then. Or she hoped.

Now, browsing through files that S.T.A.R Labs had, she found some on Barry Allen. They kept his medical records here. Injuries from past fights and how his regenerative healing works. All were signed by one Caitlin Snow. All she had to do was drive Barry away from his precious team, and Frost would have free reign over this city from the shadows.

With that in mind, she wiped the computer from her traces of touching it and got up to leave.  Only to run into a tall, dark-skinned man with a goatee.

"Barry, may trust you Frost, but I don't," He stated

"Who are you?" Frost asked idly.

"Joe West, Police Officer at CCPD," Joe answered with a stern look.

"Ah, that's why you look familiar," Frost said with a smirk, "On my Earth, you're a singer,"

"Well, regardless of that fact, my gut tells me not to trust you," Joe stated, "I don't like things or people I don't trust. I don't know what Barry sees in you, and I don't care. If you hurt him, you're going to have to deal with me,"

"Oh, don't worry your bald head over Barry Allen, " Frost said, pouting mockingly at Joe,"He is in good hands,"

She brushed past the older man, "As far as threats go, yours was pathetic,"

Besides, Frost thought as she walked back to her given room. It's not like she was going to hurt Barry Allen. Well, not psychically, emotionally, maybe.
But not before she gets him wrapped around her little finger.

She smirked. Half her work was already done by her doppelgänger from here, which was less work for her.

Passing a door she heard someone sniffing loudly. Looking in, she saw her double wiping away tears.

"Well, hello, Caity"

Caitlin jumped violently and put a hand to her chest.

"Don't do that," Caitlin scolded.

"Or what?" Frost smirked, "Besides, why are you crying anyway? Over poor Jay Garrick?"

Frost had to force herself not to roll her eyes. They were being played, and they hadn't realized it. Zoom could be charming when he wanted, not to mention a good actor.

"How do you know that," Caitlin asked sharply, getting angry.

"Noo!!," Frost mimicked cruelly, "You have been played, sister. That wasn't Jay Garrick. That was Hunter Zolomon, or as he is known on my Earth. Zoom,"

"You're lying," Caitlin accused, "He was a hero!"

"Caity, you're not that dumb," Frost said sarcastically, " Think about it. Zoom is dying just like 'Jay.' Have you met a Jay Garrick on this Earth?"

"N-no he said his doppelgängers was-" Caitlin gasped, " Hunter Zolomon,"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Frost Shouted, honestly how did she not put the pieces together?

"No...I don't believe it," Caitlin said, she looked absolutely horrified at the prospect.,"I can't believe I didn't see this before,"

"Wait til your precious team finds out," Frost smirked, and with that, she left her counterpart alone.

Author note: thanks to Panabaker_rivera   
Thank you for inspiring me to make an Earth 2 Killer Frost story.

:) Edited 6/21/24

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