Chapter 4

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Barry took Killer Frost to Jitters. He wanted to break the ice with her. Get to know her and maybe thaw her frozen heart. He knew that deep down inside of her there was a good person there. hidden and buried.

As they sipped their drinks in silence, Barry couldn't help but notice Killer Frost's distant and guarded demeanor. He decided to break the ice, to try to get her to open up a bit more to him.

"You know, we're not so different, you and I," Barry began,  "We both have powers that set us apart from others. And while it may seem like a curse at times, it also gives us the chance to make a difference, to help people."

Killer Frost scoffed, her eyes momentarily flickering with an air of defiance, "Help? I don't help people,"

Barry leaned forward, "But you could, you could be more than a villain. You could have people look up to you with admiration and respect,"

She scoffed again and began to drink her iced coffee. Barry frowned, he wasn't sure what he had to do to get through to her. 

"If you can't offer me something I want you're of no use to me," Frost said, she looked away from Barry and watched the people around her go about their day.

Barry, sat his coffee down and leaned forward,  "Doesn't it get lonely? You pushing people away?" 

"I had Ronnie and Reverb until you showed up" Frost answered, frostily as she glared at Barry "Now they're both dead and that's on you,"

Barry sighed, this wasn't going the way he wanted but it was a start. She was opening up and showing emotion. He decided not to push her too much in case she snapped.

"I don't disagree, but I didn't kill them, Zoom, did," Barry defended.

"I know that," She snapped, angrily, "It's why I joined your Team in the first place," 

Barry sighed, this was taking a turn for the worse. So, in order to  turn things around he said, "Let me help you"

"What?" Frost blinked, "I'm not some damsel in distress,"

"I know, but I can help you. You don't have to be alone anymore," Barry stated, "We can be friends"

Frost raised her eyebrows unimpressed, "Friends?"

"Friends," Barry repeated,"You know someone to be there for you when you need help or-"

"I know what a friend is," Frost interrupted, rolling her eyes.

As she did that Barry couldn't help but watch how her soft silky hair moved with her head's movement. She was really quite beautiful. 

"fine, I'll bite. we can be friends," Frost stated, crossing her arms, "But don't get all wishy-washy on me now,"

Barry, smiled at her, "You got it, Frost,"

"You have been calling me that for a while now, why?"

"On this Earth, you're not a Killer. You can be something more," Barry smiled, "A hero, a symbol of hope,"

"I admit it is nice to go anywhere I please without mass panic, "Frost stated, idly as she shrugged, "But, I'm no hero,"

"You can be," Barry persisted, "Try it once for me. If it doesn't work for you I won't bother you about it again,"

Frost, looked deep in thought, contemplating Barry's words. He hoped she would agree. He could definitely use the help on the field.  

You also find her very attractive, His brain traitorously thought. He shook her head trying to clear his mind. He so did not to be thinking of that at the moment.

"Fine," Frost said, at last, "I'll do it,"

Barry smiled, "You won't regret this,"

"I already do," 

Star Labs

Barry had taken Frost, back to S.T.A.R Labs to train with. much to her displeasure. She grumbles angrily about how she wasn't a rookie and would be fine out in the field.  Barry had been quick to point out that she was trained to kill, not apprehend people unharmed.

"If you kill them they won't come back," Frost argued, "Besides, you would think people would see that as justice," 

Barry exhaled sharply through his nose, "If we kill them we are no better than them,"

"And who's them? " Frost asked coldly, her eyes narrowing at Barry.

"The crooks,"

"Let me remind you Sparky, that I am a criminal," Frost said, with a icy edge to her voice.

Barry shook his head, "Not anymore, not on this Earth"

Frost scoffed, "Ever heard a leopard can't change its spots?"

"You have goodness in you," Barry said, "I know it. You just don't want to change,"

"What if it scares me too much?" Frost frowned, "What if it hurts too much?" 

"Then I will be there for you," Barry said, as he wrapped her in a hug.

Unbeitknown, to Barry Frost was smirking. She had him wrapped around her little finger. He didn't even realize it yet.

They soon broke the hug and went back to training. Frost actually trying to not mortally wound the attacking dummy. Barry watched her go at her feeling like maybe after all this wouldn't be so bad.


"You want to do what?" Caitlin exclaimed, looking at Barry like he lost his mind.

"Yeah dude you sure you want to do that?"  Cisco said, a touch of concern in his voice.

"Guys, I have to go much faster than I currently am to beat Zoom," Barry explained, impatiently, "And if anyone would know how to it would be him," 

"Barry, Dr Wells has studied you for 15 years. He would know you were different the minute you start expressing your need for speed," 

Harry looked at her in annoyance," Don't call him that he is not Wells,"

"I don't know, Barry is a good actor when it comes to impersonating himself," Cisco said, choosing to ignore Wells's comment because man he was so tempted to say something.

"There are just so many variables that could go wrong here," Caitlin said, she was getting annoyed now, "Harry, help me out here,"

"Snow is right Allen, there is no telling what could go wrong here," Harry put in, "But go ahead and do it there's no changing your mind,"

Barry looked at Caitlin pleadingly, "Caitlin, come on I need your help,"

"Fine," she said deflating.

Barry smiled at her as they went over the plans for Barry to travel back in time to confront Eobard Thawne and learn the secret of how to go faster.

Author's note: I'm sorry if you don't like the chapter. Thanks for reading, and please tell me what you liked/didn't like so I can grow as a writer. Just please don't be a jerk.

Edited 6/21/24

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