Chapter 3

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Caitlin had just told the team who Zoom really was. Every member had various reactions. Harry looked close to throwing something, Cisco looked like a crushed puppy, Joe looked shocked, and Barry looked beyond mad.

Frost had to admit that Barry looked extremely cute when he was mad. From the way his face scrunched up and from where his brow pushed together.

"I'm truly surprised none of you saw the connection," Frost commented, idly.

"He seemed so genuine about wanting to help us," Cisco said, looking down at the ground, "We should have listened to you, Barry,"

"He was always a good actor when he wanted to be," Frost said, to Cisco, smirking at him slightly.

"I can't believe I liked him," Caitlin disgustedly said.

"It's like Wells, all over again. When we in think we made a friend, they throw us under the bus," Joe commented, looking at Barry, "I should have listened to you, Barr, you were right,"

Harry, however, grabbed the nearest thing to him, which happened to be a prototype Cisco was working on, and launched it across the room.

"Bro, what is with you and throwing my stuff,"

"I'm sure you can fix it, Ramone," Harry bit out angrily, "I should have put the connection together,"

"This is the second time this happened," Barry muttered, angrily staring at them all, "I never should have trusted him,"

He turned to the wall next to him and punched it hard. A large dent appeared, and pieces of the wall flew across the room, making everyone jump, except Frost. She enjoyed the display of anger.

"I need air," Barry said, grabbing his blazer and walking out of the cortex.

"I'm going home," Joe said, "Too much is going on here,"

"I'll be in my lab," Cisco said, leaving the room too.

That left Caitlin, Harry, and Frost alone. Harry was pacing back and forth, and Caitlin was staring at a computer screen, not doing anything.

"Well, that was fun," Frost commented, "I'm going to go see what trouble I can get up to,"

She left the room and went prodding around S.T.A.R Labs. She was looking for Barry, and he had to be somewhere around here.

It took her a good 15 minutes to find the Scarlet Speedster. He was on the roof of the facility looking out at Central City. She came up behind him and looked out at the City on this Earth for the first time. 

It was different from her version of Central City. It was less developed and boring. But she supposed it was beautiful in a way.

"You don't look so good, Sparky," She said to Barry.

"Not now, Frost," He said, with a hint of anger.

"Aww, no need to be rude," Frost said with a fake pout, "You'll make a girl feel unwanted,"

Barry glared at her for that comment. She chuckled at him; he looked 

"What will you do when you get your hands on him?"

Barry looked at her, confused, "What?"

"Zoom, what will you do when you capture him?" Frost asked curiously, "Lock him up? Take his powers?"

"I haven't thought about it much, to be honest," Barry said, looking at her, "But he can't get away with the pain he caused Caitlin; he will be handed over to the Earth 2 CCPD,"

Killer Frost scoffed, "Where's the fun in that?"

Barry stared at her, confused, "What are you talking about? This is justice for all the people he has hurt,"

"He hurt your friend; he needs to be hurt. To feel all the pain he has caused people," Frost said.

"That's not the right way to do things, Frost!" Barry exclaimed angrily, "You can't just inflict pain onto others because you want to! No matter what they did!"

This annoyed Frost to no end; that was justice. Zoom killed the love of her life and deserved to be put down like the mad dog he was. He deserved to be hurt, to see everything he worked for taken away.

"Why not?" Frost challenged, "What if he killed someone you loved? Took them away from you?"

"I'd hunt him down and make him pay," Barry said, "I wouldn't stop til he was in a jail cell,"

"Believe it when I see it," Frost scoffed, "You're not so different than me, Barry Allen; in another life, you could have been just like me,"

"Well, I'm not like you," Barry stated.

"You could have so easily been," Frost said, "Everyone has a dark side to them, even The Flash,"

With that, she walked away.

Edited 6/21/24

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