12. Jin has fever 🤒

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Taekook are now at Lover's cafe discussing about their New year's plan. Jk ordered coffee and snacks for themselves. 

Jk- So where should we go to celebrate New year? We must plan soon cuz only four days are left for this year to end.

Tae- Umm, Goa?

Jk- Nah; I have visited there many times. Let's go somewhere else. Maybe out of the country.

Tae- Where should we go then?

Jk- Paris?

Tae- That place is suitable for honeymoon couples.

Jk- So what? We will enjoy our pre wedding honeymoon there. What's say?

Tae slapped Jk's bicep while chuckling.

Tae- You are really too much. 

Jk- Trust me babe. Paris is really worth visiting. My friends too visited there with their girlfriends or wives and they brag about it's beauty every time. So let's go there. We will enjoy a lot.

Tae- Okay but when shall we leave? 

Jk- I will arrange for the tickets first then will let you know. 

Tae- Done. Btw did your parents said something after we left for our house?

Jk- N..nothing. T..they liked you.

Tae- Ohh; but I think your mummy is really strict. You know more like a typical Indian mother-in-law. I am sorry if you felt hurt by my words but I am saying on what I observed yesterday. 

Jk- Yeah you are right. I know her very well afterall I am her son. I am well aware with her nature.

Tae- But I just had one curiosity in my mind that why Jin di does all the household work and Jimin di never helps her? Yesterday also everyone were having dinner and Jin di was standing at one corner. When we asked her to eat at that time as well she ate very less food. I mean there were variety of dishes but why she ate only two puris and daal-rice? She didn't even touched the sweets which she prepared. 

Jk- The reason why Jin bhabhi does all the work is cuz she is housewife. Since Jimin bhabhi is working lady she clarified it before marriage that she won't do any household work. So Jin bhabhi has to look after the house and I actually don't have any idea why she ate that much less food cuz she usually eats when we all are done. Maybe she might not be having an appetite. 

Tae- Ohh still I think that she is not happy. It looks like she is too much hurt. 

Jk- Hmm.


Jin got back to her room after doing all the household work. She gulped down the painkiller along with water and sat on the bed by pulling her knees closer to her chest. Tears automatically gathered in her eyes as she got flashback of yesterday's incident. Everything's been so traumatic for her. She just wanna end everything and leave the world. She wanna free herself from these shackles of loveless marriage. Her mind was constantly reminding her only one phrase; 'Just die'. 

Jin wipped her tears and opened the drawer. Her shaking hands grabbed the blade and was aiming it on her wrist.Tears continued to flow from her eyes. She was about to cut her wrist but stopped when an angelic voice rung in her ear.

......- Mama. 

Jin turned her face to look at the owner of the voice; her daughter her everything. She immediately throwed away the blade after realising what was she gonna do.

Moon rushed towards Jin when she saw her crying and hugged her legs. 

Moon- What happened mama? Why are you crying? Did someone scold you? Tell me who scold you? I will also scold that person. 

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