53. Forgiveness 🤝

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Tae and Eunwoo; after roaming around in the amusement park for more than an hour finally got back to an empty bench and sat beside each other.

Tae- Wahh!! That was an amazing ride.

Eunwoo- What amazing? For a second I thought this would be my last day on the earth. (said by wrapping his hand around Tae's shoulder)

Tae- Looser! You are still afraid of such rides. You know what Koo is also afraid of such adventurous rides but he never says that cuz he thinks I will tease the hell out of him.

Eunwoo- Who is Koo?

Tae- Koo; My.....

Tae stopped when she realised what she was gonna say.

Eunwoo- Your ex-husband I guess; isn't it?

Tae- Hmm.

Eunwoo- Btw you are the first one who even after getting divorced is staying with her ex-husband.

Tae- Cuz of kids. I don't want my kids to face what I faced being with a single parent.

Eunwoo- Only cuz of kids? You both don't love each other anymore?

Tae- I don't know about him. It's been a week since we meet after five years but he didn't even had a proper talk with me. I don't think so he has any feelings left for me.

Eunwoo- Forget about him. Tell me about you. Do you still love him?

Tae didn't said anything. She was just looking down.

Eunwoo- Your silence speaks everything. But what was the reason for you both to get divorce?

Tae narrated everything to Eunwoo while holding his hand.

Eunwoo- You both are mad. I mean who gets divorced without even communicating with each other?

Tae- I thought he will atleast try to stop the divorce but he didn't and on top of that he even left the country. None of us had any idea where he was.

Eunwoo- Your ex is really coward still he dared to fall for a girl like you.

Tae- What do you mean by girl like me? (asked angrily)

Eunwoo- Short tempered, angered and problematic.

Tae- How can you say that to me? I am your best friend.

Eunwoo- So I am fulfilling my duty as a best friend to tell you your good as well as bad things.

Tae- I know I am short tempered but that's how I am. Even though I try still I can't control my anger and how can I stay quite when his brother was literally cursing my children to die who weren't even in existence. I thought Koo will support me but he did the opposite. He slapped me infront of everyone. I know he always stood by my side and never let anyone harm me but that day he literally hurted me. It was okay if he didn't trust me but that slap was enough to make me leave that house forever.

Eunwoo- He never tried to talk with you after that?

Tae- No, he didn't. What will I assume then? That's why I didn't thought much before signing those papers and he even let me go so easily. Not even once he tried to convince me to not take such step.

Eunwoo- So now you both decided to get back together for the sake of kids?

Tae- Hmm.

Eunwoo- Your life is so complicated man and you know what you both are at fault. He left you still if you loved him then why didn't you tried to call him atleast once to inform about your pregnancy? If he didn't picked your call as well then I can surely say he doesn't loves you. But you left on his family to find him and inform him.

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