44. Being apart.... 💞

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5 years later.......

A woman in her early thirties came out of her room while tying her messy hairs in a bun.

A woman in her early thirties came out of her room while tying her messy hairs in a bun

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Tae went in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She was humming silently while cutting the vegetables. The environment was very peaceful and silent. But silence at this house doesn't last long.

Tae was about to put the vegetables in the pan but stopped when she heard water running sound from her bathroom. She widened her eyes and immediately ran to her room.

Tae- This boy never listens to me. (said angrily while entering the bathroom)

Tae rested her hands on her hips and glared at the boy infront of her.

Tae- Gukkie why do you trouble mama so much; huh? I just bathed you and you again got wet

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Tae- Gukkie why do you trouble mama so much; huh? I just bathed you and you again got wet.

Guk- Mama; Gukkie wanna play in water. You too play with Gukkie. (said by splashing water at Tae)

Tae- No, no Gukkie. Stop otherwise mama will get mad at you. (said in stern voice)

Guk- Gukkie's mama can't get mad at Gukkie.

Tae cooed at his cuteness. She sat on his level and pulled him out of the bath tub.

Tae- Bad boy Gukkie. Never listens to mama. You might catch cold na baby.

Guk- Then mama will take care of Gukkie; right my pretty mama? (said by cupping Tae's cheeks)

Tae- That's why you always take advantage of that. But from now onwards mama will scold Gukkie if he will be a bad boy.

Guk- Gukkie is not a bad boy. Gukkie is a good boy.

Tae- So like a good boy change your clothes and don't go in water again; okay?

Guk- Okay mama. (said by pecking Tae's cheek)

Tae squeezed his chubby cheeks while cooing at him.

Guk- Mama don't squeeze Gukkie's cheeks. Bad girl mama. (said by spanking Tae's head lightly with his tiny hand)

Tae smiled remembering the person to whom his son resembles. Not only his face is like Jungkook but everything about him screams Jungkook.

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