Absentmindedly Making Me Want You

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Jillian's P.O.V

I'm so happy right now. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. It was everything I had imagined, perfect in every way. His dark, side swept hair shimmered in the soft, yellow light on the porch. His light hazel eyes looking into mine. He had fixed my beanie I was wearing for me and I fixed his.

No matter how much I wanted this, I couldn't forget about school.

I still needed this to be my main focus. Miriam always tells me that I'm smart enough to juggle a boyfriend and school, but I don't know. I needed to think.

I went back to studying when my phone rang. I looked over. It was a random number. Confused, I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey." the voice said.

I knew who it was.

"Well, nice to talk to you again, Matthew." I was smiling.
"Are you at home right now?"
"Uh, yeah. Why?" I asked.
"Come to your door."
He hung up. I put his contact in my phone before going downstairs.

I opened the door. He was holding a bag filled with something that was a mystery to me and a huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers. I covered my mouth with my hand in awe.
"You are the sweetest thing." I said, gesturing him to walk inside. He walked in and welcomed himself to the kitchen table. I began to walk towards him to properly greet him but he simply told me to go sit down on the couch. We shared a smile as I walked to the couch.

About 5 minutes later, he walked in with a huge plate of food. He set it on the coffee table in front of me and disappeared back into the kitchen. He soon returned with another plate and sat down next to me.
"Surprise." he told me, of course adding the Jazz hands.
I laughed. "This looks incredible."
"Thank you. You do too."
I suddenly became a tomato. "Awwh." I smiled so big.
I took one bite of these gorgeous taco like foods and fell in love. With the food.
"Mmmm. This is so delicious!" I exclaimed.
"Thank you. They're fresh fish tacos with a special slaw to go along with it. I made up the slaw recipe. Do you like it?" He asked.
"Like it? I freaking love it!"
"Good. I thought you might."

A couple hours had passed and we found ourselves watching The Fault in Our Stars. It was the only movie that I had downstairs. I didn't want to leave his side. Not even for a second. I loved having him around.

"Let's play a game." He said, breaking the silence.
I looked over at him. "Okay." I said slowly.

"Okay so this is a game that I use to get to know people." he smirked.
"Um okay..." I giggled.
"Okay so we just take turns saying a fact about ourselves and if we both do it we have to say something and talk about it. Got it?"
"Yes I think so. You first." I said.

"I only have one parent. My dad."
"I only have my mom. Can I ask what happened?"
"My mom was pregnant with my little sister and she was in labor. My dad was driving too fast and they got in a car accident. My dad broke his collarbone and my mom dislocated her hip. She still gave birth to my sister, but she died in childbirth." He looked down. I scooted over to comfort him.
"I'm so sorry."
"What about you, if I may ask."
"My dad died of lung cancer. Not really a story there. It was really sad because, well he died, but he was such a good man. He was the best dad you could ever ask for. My mom says that I look and act just like him. He gave me his eyes and his basic personality. I loved him. How old were you when your mom passed?"
"I was 7. What about you?" He asked me.
"I was 14." I looked down, trying so hard not to cry. But, just my luck, a tear dropped onto my jeans.
He brought his hand to my chin and lifted my head up to match his eye contact.
"I'm sorry." I said wiping my tears.
"Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for."
He leaned in for what I was pretty sure was supposed to be a kiss. I dodged it and brought him into my embrace. He sighed and tucked his head into my shoulder.

"Okay let's keep going."

2 weeks later

"Hey, let's play that game again." he said.

I had learned a lot about him and realized that we have a ton in common. I felt so comfortable around him and when I talk to him, it feels like I've known him forever. I don't know what this means so don't kill me for what I'm about to tell you next.

"Okay. I'll go." I said.

He was looking deep into my eyes, probably hoping what I was about to tell him was what he thought it was. And it was.

I leaned in and kissed him. As I kissed him, I unbuttoned his flannel and threw it. He stripped me of my over shirt, leaving me in a tank top that hugged my torso tightly. This wasn't sex. I just wanted to really let him know that was I was going to say was true. I broke the kiss and caught my breath.

"I love you." I said, kissing him again.

He broke it again and stared into my eyes, locking them together to never let go.

"I love you, too."

N/A: THEY ARE SO FREAKING ADORABLE I CANT HANDLE IT. Anyway, let me know if you want more of Miriam and Logan stories. The next chapter might get a little dirtier than this one so just watch out for that. :)
I hope you love #MILLIAN as much as I do!!
In the comments vote whether you love #MILLIAN or #LIRIAM
-Lizzie :)

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