The One We Danced to All Night Long

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Jillian's P.O.V

Why did I agree to do this?

I'm so nervous. Like, I've never ever been on a blind date. Hell, who am I kidding. I've never been on a regular date. It was much more scary not knowing who I was meeting or anything. But, I guess I have to just suck it up and go for it. I mean, life is about taking risks... right?


"Hi, um, I have a reservation for, ah, two?" I said, literally not being able to get any words out.
"What's your name ma'am?" the lady asked me.
I suspected it was under Miriam or my name.
"Uh, let's try either Miriam or Jillian."
"Oh! Yep, here you are! Right this way, Jillian!" She said, cheerfully.

Oh god. Here we go.

I sat down. I called over a waitress. She was super bubbly, which I usually find as a good trait in people. But this girl was actually getting in my nerves.

I rubbed my hands together nervously underneath the table. I glanced down at my phone. It was 7:06, meaning he was running late. He was supposed to meet me at 7:00, I guess. I clicked my phone off just as it vibrated. I looked at it again. It was Miri apologizing for him taking so long and also asking what I was wearing, as well as asking how long I had been waiting. I replied back quickly as I was interrupted by someone sitting down across from me.

Okay, I'll admit. Out of all the guys I've seen in my day, he was pretty damn cute.

I tucked my hair behind my ear. I cleared my throat before saying something.

"Hi.", I said. I'm pretty sure he could basically smell my fear.

"Nice to meet you. Uh, Jillian right?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yes. And you, too. You are...?" I questioned asking for the mysterious person's name.

He looked down at his hands. "Matthew."

A million thoughts flew through my head. I didn't know what to think.
My eyes shot up to catch him looking at me.
"Matthew? The Matthew who called Miriam asking about me?" I smirked.

Hold on. Am I... flirting?! I don't even know myself anymore.

"Uh.. yeah... sorry about that."
"No problem."

The waitress came by and asked for our orders. I told her I wanted the cheese and spinach ravioli.
"No way! I get the same thing!" Matthew said.
"Really? Wow." I replied.

We got our food after awkward conversations that I'm not going to go into detail about. I took a couple bites and drank some water after.
"How is it?" Matthew asked.
"Mediocre." I smiled.

I had been smiling a lot tonight.

"I can make it so much better than them." He said casually looking down at his food.
My eyes shot up to lock with his.
"You cook?"
"Yeah. I want to go to culinary school after high school." he informed me.
"I see." I didn't know what to say.
"Let's ditch this place and I'll take you to my place and I'll cook it for you at least ten times better than this place." He said.

I froze.

Not knowing what to say, I just agreed.

Before I knew it we were at his house and him and I were standing in the kitchen. He was cooking this so called "amazing" ravioli for me.

"So what do you want to do after high school?" He asked. I had been silent and he was probably trying to make small talk.
"Uh... I want to be an art history major and hopefully be teacher after."

He glanced at me and smiled. "Cool."

"Can I tell you something?" He asked me.
"Of course." I smiled.
"This sounds really creepy, but I've liked you since 5th grade." He looked down at his feet.

Awh. This was actually cute.

"Awh really? I'm surprised. Why didn't you come to me sooner?" I asked.
"I was scared of what you might think of me."

All of a sudden, our conversation broke as the pasta was being plated. He took me hand and my eyes locked with his. He led me to the table where he had set up everything and pulled out my chair for me. Damn.

I took a single bite of the beautiful food he had made for me when he finally sat down. He was right. It was at least ten times better.
"Wow. This is amazing!" I smiled and said cheerfully.
"Thank you." He said.


Matthew's P.O.V

This date was literally going exactly as planned. Finally, a date with the literal girl of my dreams.

We were on my front porch and Miriam was waiting in her car behind the house. There was only one thing missing from this date.

"I should be going. Thank you so much for dinner." She said smiling her gorgeous smile. Her blue eyes locked with mine and her dark hair shimmered in the porch light.

She started to walk away as I yelled out, "Wait!" She spun around. I motioned her to come back and she did just that. We were standing close together and I held both of her hands in mine.

"Can I try something really quick before you go?" I asked.

She replied with a soft "sure" as she smiled.

"Okay. Close your eyes." I told her.

She closed her eyes and took her by surprise and I kissed her. She kissed back and it was my first kiss. And I was so happy it was with her.

We pulled away slowly and she looked at me the way she had been all night, but deeper. She leaned over and kissed me again. For longer this time. She pulled away and took a pen quickly out of her purse and wrote her phone number across my arm. She smiled and said thank you once more before disappearing around the corner. I leaned back on my door and sighed happily. I stumbled to get inside.


Jillian's P.O.V

I hopped in to the passenger seat of Miriam's car. I was smiling like an idiot and that's when Miri knew.

"He kissed you!!" She gasped.

I just kept smiling.

"Did you kiss him back?" she asked along with about a thousand other questions I was too happy to hear.

I simply glanced over at her and replied with a soft "yes." Then I went back to smiling.

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