Chapter 2 the start of ginny and toms rivalry and tom and harrys love

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He vowed to himself that he would hate the weasleys for until he dies but he wouldn't hate harrys friend Ron he was an exception since he was harrys friend so he let it slide as he walked down the corridors Harry accidentally bumps into him with a rush tom then says"WATCH WHERE YOUR-going..."he had a kind of daze when he saw it was Harry he felt embarrassed since he just screamed at his love, Harry then apologized to tom immediately saying "I'm dearfully sorry because of that I'm just late I'm sorry"Tom says that it was okay Harry gets up and smiles and helps tom up tom also apologizes and says it was also his fault for not looking at the way Harry then says it was also his fault since he didn't notice that he was there and didn't take himself slow and serious Tom says that it was perfectly fine and they both went their ways both Harry and Tom had this blushful look on their faces before going their separate ways.he goes to Orion telling what happened walburga then comes up and says"oohhh tom met with his crushiecakes and love of his lifeeee"tom was frustrated and said he didn't love him! Walburga said "the boys a liarrr the boys a liarrr~~"walburga and tom fought since walburga wouldn't stop shipping him with Harry they fought for several minutes abaraxas then shows up and stops the two and says they're almost late and it's almost 9:00 so he drags all them to class before they get detention while abaraxas Orion druella and walburga were walking tom stopped since ginny walked over to him with a angry face ginny then said"back away from Harry he won't even like you!"tom replied "shut up why do you give a fuck if Harry talked to me?"ginny replied "because he's mine he won't even like you so get your little ass off him!"both fought until abaraxas went to tom and pulled his arm to class he was angered by this and told abaraxas that he wants to murder her but as to abaraxas reply was "if you killed her then Harry would be upset"to toms reply "Fine if your doing that AGAIN I might as well storm out!"abaraxas says "if you want detention then okay"tom gasps and says "How dare you I am your leader!"abaraxas and tom fight that Avery had to go to them and force them to go sit down and listen but tom would only look at harry the entire class that Orion had to hold toms head and move it to the board so he listens but tom tom was still furious trying to get Orion off of him that the professor had to talk to them so they calm down and because of this they had detention for about 2 days Orion blamed tom because of this since he was the reason he got detention which was true knowing tom was a bit mischievous but he still forgave him since tom was his friend after all and either so what was exiting for tom Harry got detention as well for being late Orion then says "oohh" like druella and walburga tom obviously didn't enjoy this as he already got walburga and druella on his back let alone Orion joining them but he did enjoy it a bit knowing at least his friends support his desicion liking the one and only Harry Potter but it would anger him since Harry would look at them badly and don't enjoy the fact that they like to show that HE LIKES Harry (Leave the cap words alone)

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