Chapter 5 Start of tom and harrys secret relationship

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As Harry woke up on a fine nice Saturday to birds chirping and the beautiful sight of the sun again another owl chirps and knocks on the door as Harry happily takes the letter and opens it and then he red what the letter has said it said "good morning mi,amor I was maybe thinking for today we go for a walk near the castle?"Harry wrote a letter back to tom saying"of course! What time?"Tom writes a letter back to Harry saying "9:00AM Mi,amor!"then Harry writes back"Alright! I'll see you then!"at 9 they met outside at the garden and walked around hogwarts talking then tom invites Harry to a coffee shop and got some espresso! But harrys cup had a heart written on and his didn't as mad as tom was he complained to the manager because of that Harry felt a bit embarrassed and went up to tom and told him to let it pass but tom wouldn't as mad and furious tom was he called he barista who served them and asked who made it as the barista told him he madly goes talk to the person who made it and had an argument with them as Harry pulls toms shirt and drags him out of the coffee shop feeling embarrassed for what tom had done. Tho Harry did like toms obsessive attitude since it was pretty cute and he did enjoy the fact tom would care about him always and will never let him go and would actually care if he's sick or hurt

*This one is kinda short so yeah I'm sorry bout that and I plan to fix it I just didn't have any motivation for this one since I did have to go out so yeah got pretty lost in this chapter*

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