Chapter 4 Harrys secret reaveled

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Harry was stressed of what he said to tom when it was Monday and always avoided him at break, tom walks to Harry and grabs his hand brings him to the  down hall where no one was there pinning him to the wall Harry avoided eye contact until tom says "I know what your hiding you have no escape"Harry was caught and replies"I don't know what your talking about!"tom was grinning and says"I know your faking your words"Harry finally revealed the truth on how he had loved tom since they're 3rd year tom smirked and says"same as well"Harry replies to tom" y-your not kidding right?*in a slight of happy and disappointed tone"tom then says "why would I ever lie to my beloved?"Harry was flustered as so he hugged tom happily  tom was completely in a dooze tom hugged him back? Tom fell inlove for the first time until druella screamed toms name saying "TOM WHERE ARE YOU!"Harry let go tom then pulls Harry back and shushes him and says "if you go out we will get caught if I go out first then we won't get caught"they didn't want this to be revealed or else their high reputation will go down to the abyst they promised to keep this a secret and never tell until they finish hogwarts but would only tell to their friends never anyone else this was the beggining of their relationship and the start of their belove for each and one another tom goes out and says "I'm here what do you want?"Druella goes to tom and says that abaraxas and another boy were having a fight tom rushed as so Harry  tries to tiptoe away druella turns her head to see Harry walking she says "hey Potter what are you doing there!?"Harry was caught but he did not say the truth and instead had said"I dropped something I picked it up "druella says but I never saw you walk here? Harry replies to her comment "I dropped this item and I came to pick it up tho it rolled"as he holds a item that Tom owned apparently it fell out of his pocket toms eyes widened druella had said to Harry how it was toms and Harry then says that it was his and maybe they had the same item druella shrugs and leaves tom goes over to Harry and gives him a little thanks to him for not saying the truth Harry then explains to tom how it was alright then they both go their separate ways without their relationship reaveled for now tho walburga and druella were very suspicious about this and wanted to find out what was their secret so they spied on them but nothing was found the only thing they think is Harry and tom are friends not knowing they are lovers since they don't act romantic or lovey tho they still didn't feel like I was right and still kept searching for awnsers about this and they had the idea they're dating but when they told abaraxas Orion and Avery they laughed why? They don't believe that Harry and tom were dating druella and walburga thought again and disagreed with what they just thought and believed that Harry and tom are just friends and didn't really think they're dating but sometimes they make it like their dating but no they never thought and because of this tom and Harry were Delighted that no one knows their relationship since they thought they're reputations will go down and be hated for dating since dating the same gender wasn't really popular at the time tho they liked to show a bit that they're dating but not completely since if they did then people will find out fast but will people actually find out or not? Even if they kept it silent it worked for only a short period of time since of druella and walburga being little gossipers  but druella and walburga will eventually find out but will they?

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