Chapter 8 almost the first kiss

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On the time of 8:00AM Harry was walking down to his first class he bumped into his beloved tom riddle as they talked for a while they noticed they were almost late so they had to go but they noticed they had the same class so they walked together but as they walked and talked druella and walburga pushed their heads together but Abaraxas had to walk by and pull their hair to drag them away leading Harry and tom not kiss as for  walburga and druella they were furious as that was their plan for a long time but thanks to abaraxas it didn't happen they had to wait another day before they could do it when tom got himself together he was disappointed? As it was like he paid them to do it Harry was questioning what had officially happened and why did they do it tom said not to worry about it but Harry had to worry about it they almost kisses Infront of many people as Harry questioned tom while they walked to class Tom would only Answer "I don't know"and "just let it be they know what they're doing" but Harry didn't like this and wanted a real awnser since they did almost kiss but they already had reached to the class so he had to leave it be and ignore it throughout the class but he couldn't focus it wasn't like he didn't like it he was just confused why druella and walburga did that but he leaves it alone since their professor would annually wouldn't like it if Harry didn't fix what he was doing as he already got one potion  explode since of this and his thinking but after class Harry still thought about it until he forgot about it and leaves.but still he was so confused and felt embarrassed since he wasn't used to it but still he left it alone since he didn't want to get any trouble nor get people to think that he doesn't like tom and is using him just for money knowing it already happened before

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